Gathering the troops.

May 22, 2008 12:26

She had to admit, this was MUCH more fun that managing her mystics bar, Bewitched.    She had shut it down two months ago.   She had more important things to do.

Times past, those important things involved the Phantom Stranger.   But he seemed to be...not around at the moment.   She wasn't sure why, but several beings of great power were suddenly 'not around'.

Now...after that whole mess with Wotan and the tenth age of magic...and after finally learning why Tannarak had been gone for so long before that...she had but one focus.


This is why she was here, on this remote tropical paradise.  Where, based on what she was able to read, his former employers had him kept, like a dog on a leash.

But this dog was a dog of war, and she would have him.  Just like the other two.  This one's will was stronger, though, and required additional magics to subvert it.

But she now had her War.   She had her Famine.  She had her Pestilence.

And soon, very soon...she would have her Death.

"There is no past for you now.  There's only now.  There's only this.  By your hand, nations will fall.  By your hand, victory will be won.

You are now War...horseman of the Apocalypse.  Arise."

the general, tala, "lightning crashes", the horsemen

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