Coast-a Costa Linda

Jul 29, 2008 12:47

On one of the remote edges of the island, away from the civilized end of it, several folks in wetsuits wash ashore.  Some wetter than others.

Because they don't make wetsuits for dogs, you know.

But they're there.   And it doesn't appear that anyone has been seen. 

brainwave, green arrow ollie queen, rose wilson, outsiders, rex the wonder dog, sand, hotshot, detective chimp, "assassin's nation", caleb zukov, green shield

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onthecase July 29 2008, 17:01:42 UTC
The chimp isn't built well for swimming. He learned how to use SCUBA equipment once, years ago, but even that led to people shooting at him. He still doesn't think much of the water.

He shucks the gear and knucklewalks up the beach, climbing into one of the trees for cover, then looking down at the others to follow their lead.


caleb_z July 29 2008, 20:42:25 UTC
Caleb can't get his SCUBA mask off fast enough. It drops to the beach, with him along side it, taking in air as fast as his lungs will allow. It was a rude discovery when he hit the water, and learned just how much faster his all-human muscles tire, and how much more painful it is to push them beyond that. Still, he managed, trying not to focus on the feeling of the amulet against his chest.

"Head ... count ...." he manages between breaths.


hotshot1280 July 29 2008, 20:55:58 UTC
"One head' Trevor says, dragging his gear behind him as he makes his way to the base of the tree Chimp is in. He's been SCUBA diving before, but he's only now realizing that diving at a fun leisurely pace and doing so to get to a destination are two completely separate matters. He's not badly winded, but he usually prefers sex to be the only activity to have him this short of breath.


wonderwoof July 30 2008, 01:44:04 UTC
As soon as he's out of the water, Rex shakes off, sending water flying in every direction. He chuffs as the head count is called for and heads for the tree Chimp is in, trying to begin scenting. The dog snorts, shaking his head-for the most part, all he can smell is the ocean.


sand_hawkins July 30 2008, 14:06:01 UTC
Sand slides out of his suit and looks around at the number of bodies on the beach. "Where's Hank?" Sand asks, before turning towards Green Arrow. "You've been here before. Ideas on where we should be heading?"


starcity_archer July 31 2008, 02:04:32 UTC
Ollie shucked off his gear, as covertly as possible, which really wasn't very, keeping an eye on Tara and the new kid. He vaguely recalled something about her being on his boy's team and that meant he'd keep an eye on her at least. "That way." He pointed in the direction he remembered and glanced at Tara for confirmation. "Should keep the usually powered in the middle, let you and Tara stay with them, while the kid takes the front with the animals who're usually smarter than I am and I guard the rear." He scanned the beach.


hotshot1280 July 31 2008, 11:48:24 UTC
Trevor nods in agreement, waiting for confirmation from Sand as he pulls his borrowed guns out of a watertight bag and screws the shortened silencers on the end of the barrels and cocks them. His hand over the slide covers at least some of the noise, and he holsters the right one. He knows the silencers won't turn the guns' roar into the air-gun pop they use in movies, but hopefully it will dampen them enough to keep the sound from carrying more than a few feet.

"Any objection to me keeping Caleb next to me?" Trevor asks as the spare ammo gets clipped on his belt. If he has to do this without powers, there's no one he'd trust more to watch his back.


caleb_z July 31 2008, 13:37:27 UTC
"I won't be far off," Caleb answers, his own pistol holstered in favor of a taser. "Though, I, uh ..." He nods to Green Arrow. "I believe he has the right idea."


sand_hawkins July 31 2008, 18:43:58 UTC
"Agreed." Sand says. "Rose, take point with Rex and chimp. GA in the rear. The rest of us in twos - Tara and I, then Hank and Eve, then Caleb and Trevor. Stay close, but not too..."

Sand stops dead. He then sees movement about 10 feet away that starts moving away from them rapidly.

"You got him, Ollie?"


starcity_archer July 31 2008, 23:15:37 UTC
Ollie answered with thwip of a bowstring and the classic boxing glove arrow headed towards the person, aiming to knock him out.


sand_hawkins July 31 2008, 23:25:43 UTC
About 22 feet ahead, there are two *thuds*.

Sand moves forward, and looks at the stirring Costa Lindan. The arrow shot wasn't enough to knock him out.

One *PAFFFFFF* of his sleep gas gun later, he's out cold.

"And so it begins." he says quietly.


caleb_z August 1 2008, 00:55:40 UTC
No sooner is the taser back in its holster than Caleb is silently creeping forward, having paused only long enough to signal Trevor to follow.

"How long will that gas hold him?" Caleb softly inquires while zip ties the unconscious man's arms behind his back. "It might prove useful to interrogate him." Provided, of course, that waiting won't slow us down long enough for his absence to be conspicuous.


hotshot1280 August 1 2008, 01:38:04 UTC
Trevor reluctantly holsters his own gun, opting instead for a pair of nunchaku. The time for firepower is later, and when it comes he'll quite literally be the definition of that word. For now he gently rolls the unconscious man over, patting him down for weapons in the process, and looks up at Caleb.

"Unless Hawaiian shirts are the new uniform of the Costa Linda Special Forces, I doubt this guy knows much. It can't hurt to be sure, though."


caleb_z August 1 2008, 01:42:12 UTC
Caleb looks up at Trevor through the tops of his eyes, before calmly returning his attention to the native.

"If he lives here, one can't know what he's seen."


hotshot1280 August 1 2008, 01:54:22 UTC
Trevor starts with the easier form of interrogation first, holding a red-lensed penlight in his mouth as he flips open their new friend's wallet. There are a few bills and a driver's license that Trevor's pretty sure is fake, and a small handgun is also tucked into the back of his pants. Trevor relieves him of it absently, slipping it into a pouch at his belt.

"I don't think there's anything he's seen that we can't keep walking and find out for ourselves."


caleb_z August 1 2008, 14:41:36 UTC
Caleb draws in breath to protest, but thinks better of it. Trevor is probably right. Caleb feels vulnerable, and is over-compensating.

He acknowledges with a nod, before drawing his knife, and cutting the civilian free of his bonds.


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