"Since We Survived the Zombie Apocolypse..."

Sep 02, 2011 22:44

Tommy has had a long ass day today. With the running around, making sure the other teams are okay (except for the Titans; Such a damn shame) and helping with the reconstruction in both the Brownstone (hey, he lived there now) and Brooklyn (he's sure as hell not going to let where he grew up be wrecked) he'd hadn't given a lot of thought of what he ( Read more... )

wildcat tommy bronson, cyclone

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The Date! nottomcat September 4 2011, 03:34:55 UTC
He wanted a cigarette so bad. Well, no, not really. He'd smell like cigarette smoke and he didn't want to. But still he had his nervousness about the date. He hadn't been on one for almost a year now, and that was a mistake date to go on anyways.

So he paced a bit. And a bit more. Okay, so he was a bit more nervous than he anticipated.


nation_jsa September 4 2011, 03:50:17 UTC
She wasn't exactly late, but she met him at the door after he'd been there and apparently pacing. She'd split the different half hair up half down and a loose curl to it. Pretty peach dress over leggins and sandals were good for walking or sitting, so she was up for plans expanding from just the movies.

She wasn't one for make-up off the stage so it was just a bit of lip gloss and she hoped she looked good. She thought she looked pretty anyway. "I didn't keep you waiting did I?"


nottomcat September 4 2011, 04:03:27 UTC
"Nah, just got finished early," Tommy said as he looked at her. She looked pretty damn adorable right there. It's a look that seemed to fit her damn perfect. Aside from her costume, which showed off her nice legs, but that's beside the point.

"So, it's one bus ride from here to the Q Line, and then the Q Line takes us right to the Kent Theater. It was my favorite place to go when I was a kid."


nation_jsa September 4 2011, 04:09:20 UTC
"So you can play tour guide then, show me about where you grew up. Where you hung out as little bitty Tommy."

She grinned and chuckled as she stepped forward. She had an over sized purse, about the only thing that didn't really go with the outfit. "Just in case," she shouldered the bag. "Has my costume in it. Never know when there might be trouble."


nottomcat September 4 2011, 04:50:31 UTC
"Cool. Just so long as you don't have me schlep it around. I lost Moms purse too many times doin' that," Tommy say with a chuckle beofre opening the door for her.

"Whenever you're ready, Maxine."


nation_jsa September 4 2011, 22:45:22 UTC
"No, it's ok I have it." It was clunky and huge but for some odd reason it suited Maxine to have one odd thing out on her person. Maxine had a sort of eclectic style of her own that made things, no matter how strange or random, make a sort of sense with her.

Tommy opened the door like a gentleman and Max hurried through, waiting for him outside. She put her arm through his and looked out at the glorious day, it was setting up for a perfect evening too. Not too hot, not too cool. Just perfect balmy breezes.

"So, where are we headed?"


nottomcat September 4 2011, 23:12:20 UTC
Having her arm through his was nice. It was.

"Well, we gotta hop two buses, but the pick-up is just down the street. We'll be heading to Kents Theater, see what's playing, head back this way but before we make the changeover we hit Katz Deli. sound like a plan?"

The hand not occupied with having hers there was feeling his pockets. He brought enough for the bus fare. Tommy had timed it. On a good day the ride shouldn't be more than forty minutes getting there. On a bad...well, it be two hours. An hour is about average and-

Tommy cuts those thoughts off. 'Just enjoy yourself. You're gonna catcha movie, grab some great grub, and have a cute redhead alongside you," Tommy thinks to himself.


nation_jsa September 4 2011, 23:57:25 UTC
"It sounds like a good plan." Maxine agreed and nodded, she wasn't really totally familiar with this area as much as she was with campus or home. She spent so much of her time in the other places that she hadn't really been able to just sight see in the Brownstone's neighborhood. It was mild for winter, light coat was enough but now and then the breeze would chill her a bit. Her initial findings of the temperature must have been colored by the company, Tommy was really quite nice to snuggle up to if things got too cold.

"Isn't it funny how it can seem warm out and then the wind comes along and it's freezing? The sun's still warming the same amount of air but it feels colder do to the action of the air across skin and surfaces." It was science, she loved it.


nottomcat September 5 2011, 00:05:46 UTC
"It could just be your fault, Red," Tommy said with a smile, not at all minding the cold. He'd always been a "heater" guy, someone who ran hot and did better in the coolness, but if Maxine wanted to snuggle up he wouldn't mind.

"Okay, the bus stop is here an-" Tommy looked down the street for where the bus is and he saw the bus less than a block away. Traffic wasn't even that bad right now, too.

"Well, lookie. We won't have to wait too long."


nation_jsa September 5 2011, 00:29:13 UTC
"My fault?" She blinked up at him with those wide green eyes. Was he picking on her? He must have been, he was smiling to himself, so it wasn't actually making fun of her so much as just a joke.

He pulled them to a halt at the bus stop, just in time it seemed for the next bus. The bus pulled up, she still wasn't used to public transportation. Everyone back home had cars or trucks and she just usually walked everywhere in college. So this was sort of a new little adventure, of course she would never admit that because it would sound stupid.

"Looks like good timing."


nottomcat September 5 2011, 01:48:38 UTC
"Yeah. After all, it's a little chilly, you're on my arm, and we're here walking around, seems like a good excuse to get a smidgeon closer. I ain't gonna mind it, just pointing out the shenanigans," Tommy says, his grin still there as the bus pulls up.

"Ladies first."


nation_jsa September 5 2011, 02:29:38 UTC
"I wouldn't do that!" she wouldn't have ever thought of it really, that just wasn't the way Max's brain worked. She liked him and she wanted to cuddle so she would, she wouldn't have thought to make a pretense. Then again she did have to admit she wasn't all that good at or experienced with flirting.

it had been a joke though, so there was no reason to keep hard feelings over it, better to move on and have a good time. And to move on there just happened to be a bus! Tommy let her get on first and she found her way back to a seat and waited for him to join her. She grinned a bit when he sat down. "So this is our first date. Not that we wont have others, unless you decide you didn't want to which would be totally ok I just mean that this is sort of special kind of historic. we can look back at it and go this was our first date and this is what we did."


nottomcat September 5 2011, 02:52:53 UTC
Tommy was a little surprised at the reaction. He was just trying to flirt a bit and, well, it was weird to him but something in his head clicked. And good thing it did, because Maxine had gotten on the bus and missed the machine, but Tommy had it covered. He got the all day pass for the two of them, so they could get on and off where they pleased.

When Tommy sat down, he's hit by the Maxine barrage. Trying to sort through the whole thing he finally gets the gist and more than solidifies his guess.

"It is our first date. First dates are always nice, but I have a question though: is this your first first date? Like, ever?"


nation_jsa September 5 2011, 03:04:21 UTC
He asked...she blushed. Max tucked her hair behind her ear, even though it was already there. She looked down at the purse in her lap and fidgeted with the zipper.

"No." She hemmed and hawed a bit and went on. "I had breakfast with Johnny Conklin from my Advanced Physics class. We went over notes and the lab for that week. And a few times a group of us from the theater club went out for pizza after rehearsal and lighting checks."


nottomcat September 5 2011, 03:14:15 UTC
"Those...those don't sound like dates, Maxine. One sounds like a little study session and and the other more of a hang out. When I say date, I mean, took you out, had or tried to have a good time," Tommy clarified, smiling a little bit at the blush.


nation_jsa September 5 2011, 03:26:37 UTC
"We had a good time. But I guess if you mean a romantic type thing, then no. Not really." She felt like this meant she was not as interesting as other girls.

"I've always been studying or with Grandma. And I talk too much I know and guys hate that. 'There's nothing worse then a know-it-all' I've been told that so many times. And I don't mean to be, I don't try to be. I just know these things and they just kind of come out and I don't even realize sometimes that I am doing it but there I go. Guys really don't seem to like that and they hate it when you correct them, but if they are wrong isn't that helping them? It's not like I try to do it but I can't always help it I just get going and don't really know how to stop so it just keeps going on and on."


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