"Since We Survived the Zombie Apocolypse..."

Sep 02, 2011 22:44

Tommy has had a long ass day today. With the running around, making sure the other teams are okay (except for the Titans; Such a damn shame) and helping with the reconstruction in both the Brownstone (hey, he lived there now) and Brooklyn (he's sure as hell not going to let where he grew up be wrecked) he'd hadn't given a lot of thought of what he ( Read more... )

wildcat tommy bronson, cyclone

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nation_jsa September 4 2011, 02:07:30 UTC
Life had been hectic, but the good kind of hectic. Not like before when the dead were walking and people were dying. No this was helping people, rebuilding, really getting out there and being a hero on a personal level. Maxine had rarely ever felt so ...whit purpose. she had never known so absolutely sure that this was what she was meant to do.

There were no jeers anymore, no teasing and no jokes about her costume. She was someone people were glad to see. People touched her hand and thanked her for what she did. When she used her powers to clean the streets, or raise a building or move dangerous debris, people called her a hero, and that had Maxine Hunkel walking on cloud 9.

that mood and the smile that indicated it would be carrying her into the nook just off the kitchen, she'd come back for lunch with the others and after help Ma with the sandwich and lemonade and brought a tray out and began to nibble on a sandwich herself. She perched on the arm of a chair and looked out the window, smiling happily as she chewed. the light poured in like gold through the window, it felt warm and good. Like hope itself washing over her, and it set her red locks like fire in the light.

If Tommy was waiting for an ideal moment, he'd be hard pressed to find one better.


nottomcat September 4 2011, 02:15:59 UTC
Well, there she was, and in a good mood judging from the smile she had. Tommy saw this and moved to wolf down the sandwich a bit. he had almost been done when she came in and he hadn't been paying attention to the door she came in from. Stupid Brownstone kitchen having all that space...

Tommy got up, making sure to dust off any crumbs that came form him eating the sandwich and made his way over to the window she was sat at. And after a second of trying to figure out the right way to ask...

"Hey, Red, can I ask you a question?"

Smooth, Tommy. Real Smooth.


nation_jsa September 4 2011, 02:20:49 UTC
She'd been humming, anyone who had pent any amount of time around her would recognize it as one of the songs from Wicked. When Tommy stepped up, she tucked a strand hair behind her ear and smiled.

"Sure Tommy, what;s on your mind?"


nottomcat September 4 2011, 02:26:51 UTC
"Well, I..."

Tommys eyes dart around. He doesn't know why, other than he wouldn't want someone cooing over what he was about to do. No one he could tell, although he was worried maybe Courtney was around or Todd was moving about in shadows and-

Crap, he's psyching himself out.

"I was going to be going to catch some matinees in Brooklyn later today and I was thinking that they may..."

Rambling won't help. Just get to the point and stop being famisched!

"Would you want to come along? With me, I mean?"


nation_jsa September 4 2011, 02:37:29 UTC
He started...and stopped and started....and stopped. Finally Tommy got out what he was asking. He knew she liked movies and theater and was headed that way so he was asking her along. That was awfully nice of him.

"Sure! I love the movies. Matinees are always nice because they are usually quite and cheaper. The popcorn is usually really fresh too."


nottomcat September 4 2011, 02:42:11 UTC
Well, she agreed, but Tommy doesn't think she got it, just by her response.

"Well, yeah, it is cheaper and the popcorn is pretty good. I was thinking it'd just, y'know. You and me. As in...a date?"


nation_jsa September 4 2011, 02:57:08 UTC

He meant a date.

"A date? Like the romantic kind? Meaning you like someone as more than a friend? Because I like you, a lot. And I think you are really cute. But if you just thought of me as a friend I wouldn't be offended or anything I like being your friend. I think we're great friends. So if you wanted to go out as a friend date that's cool too. Or if you wanted to go on a date date like a boy girl date I am fine with that too. I mean I'd love it, but I don't want you to feel imposed on or anything."

Oh Maxine, there goes another rant.


nottomcat September 4 2011, 03:07:44 UTC
Well, that made Tommy feel good, her admission of thinking him cute.

"I mean as the romantic kind, yeah. Blackest Night got me thinking about it and, well, I'd been kinda considering it for a while but I never gave more than a thought before that."


nation_jsa September 4 2011, 03:13:50 UTC
She smiled, sort of bit her lip and little and nodded eagerly.

"I'd really like that. After all the bad stuff we've seen and the death and friends going missing...I'd really like something to be happy about. Maybe you and I can be happy about each other. I know we aren't dating," she made air quotes around the world after setting her sandwich down. "But just to be...normal. To do something fun because we want to just sound great to me."


nottomcat September 4 2011, 03:18:33 UTC
"Tonight, then? I know the bus routes around here and I'd say if you wanted to we could get an early showing of something. Say...two hours to get ready and I'll meet you at the door?"

Tommy was beaming on the inside, and it probably showed on the outside, too.


nation_jsa September 4 2011, 03:25:00 UTC
"Sounds great. I can change and do something with my hair." Should she wear it up or down? Curly or straight? did it matter? He'd seen her both ways and they lived together. Well not together but in the same building.

"Ok, so two hours, front door." She grinned. "At least I know you'll walk me home no matter how bad it goes."

"Not that it is going to go badly! I just meant that as a joke. I think it'll go fine. Better then fine! It'll be great! It's already great" Someone please tranq her before she explodes.


nottomcat September 4 2011, 03:27:42 UTC
Well, this got Tommy chuckling a bit.

"I'm pretty sure we'll be fine assuming some Devil Monkey from Swaziland doesn't decide to invade during the movie. And two hours."

And with that he's turning away, chuckling a bit as he goes.


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