Hot Gotham Nights

Aug 22, 2011 21:09

God damn did Gotham seem to suck right now. It was hot and muggy and with the thick fur he had in his cat form on top of the uniform T made for him it was really uncomfortable. Still, Pops wanted to check in on the Batfolks to see how they were doing. They were a pretty insular bunch of folks but Pops was still pretty worried about one of his ( Read more... )

wildcat tommy bronson, cyclone, eidolon

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nation_jsa August 23 2011, 04:24:07 UTC
"I'm on it."

Hands rose to her sides and Maxine summoned a gentle wind, it built rapidly but showed the growing control she had over her power. They were lifted off the sidewalk, gravity defeated through sheer wind and will, they were lifted up, up and to the rooftop.

Her winds circled them, fluffing Tommy's fur a bit to cool him down. He did the cutest thing in the world with his nose when he was warm, it crinkles a little and his tongue poked out. It was adorable and she couldn't help but grin at it. That was Maxine's mind though, she could always see something positive in almost any circumstance.


nottomcat August 23 2011, 04:31:27 UTC
Taking in the nice breeze that was kicked up, Tommy takes the communicator out of his ear and tweaks with the tiny controls (and thanks everything Holy that his powers came with opposable thumbs) until the code was the right frequency as the one Batman had given Pops and then tapped the small thing as he stuck it back into its place.

"This is Wildcat calling to Batman, come in Batman. The JSA is taking stock and is wanting to know that you're okay."


fanboy_power August 23 2011, 04:38:29 UTC
There's a long pause before someone responds over the comms.

"Batman's not available at the m-moment..." a much younger, softer voice replies over the comm. "Sorry."


nottomcat August 23 2011, 04:41:36 UTC
Oh holy crap! He got someone! Tommy gives Maxine a little thumbs up before turning his attention back to the communicator.

"That's cool if he can't come on directly. Is this Robin? Is anyone available to meet us at all?"


nation_jsa August 23 2011, 04:49:58 UTC
Max blinked at the voice, not at all the gruff or broody voices she was used to hearing when it came to the Batfamily. This sounded..well almost nice. She looked to Tommy and shrugged.

Someone was answering so maybe that just meant Batman was busy...or not. Maybe something bad had happened. But she was putting the cart before the horse as Gandma said. So she just paced instead and chewed on her thumbnail.


fanboy_power August 23 2011, 04:53:43 UTC
"He's out on a mission right now," the voice replied. "No, sir. I'm not Robin. I'm Eidolon," he went on. There's a long hesitation before the voice speaks again.

"Where are you now? I can come meet you."


nottomcat August 23 2011, 04:55:06 UTC
Eidolon? What the hell was an Eidolon?

"Uhhh, we're uhhh...Red, where are we?"


nation_jsa August 23 2011, 05:00:27 UTC
She had no idea who it was either and shrugged, fortunately she could be of more help with the verbal question.

"Oh...Kane Apartments, north east corner of Kane and Monroe. Across from Benny's donuts. they have the most amazing raspberry danish there! It's so good and they make them fresh everyday so they are always really good and never stale." Tommmy was giving her that look so she quieted.

"On the roof."
As if she needed to mention the last part...but that was Max.


fanboy_power August 23 2011, 05:10:31 UTC
There was another long pause before the voice replied again.

"Alright. I'll be there soon. Umm...Eidolon out," he said before turning off the comm.


About twenty minutes later, the sound of someone landing on the rooftop can be heard but there's no one there. Wildcat's nose would be able to find out that there was someone on the roof but he was invisible. Seconds later, Eidolon clicked off his cloaking device and appeared on the rooftop. He was certainly different than the rest of the bat-clan. Short, scrawny, and with a small and apologetic smile, he waved in greeting.

"S-s-sorry it took me so long. No wheels."


nottomcat August 23 2011, 05:29:14 UTC
Indeed he did smell him, but its still pretty damn confusing when nose and eyes don't correlate. So when he first smells him he looks around and tries to hear it, and he does. He does everything but not see it. And when he finally sees it...he kinda stares.

"Did someone shrink the Bat?"


nation_jsa August 23 2011, 05:41:25 UTC
Maxine lacked the sight or scent talents of Wildcat but she did see him when he uncloaked. Perhaps that was what she was most curious about.

"I don't think so, shrinking is complex. It involves altering the state of molecules and the atoms they are composed of. Scientifically it's almost impossible. Almost obviously because I mean we know The Atom does it. It would be easier to find a way of changing a personal density to make a person seem smaller. But given that he was invisible it would make the most sense to think he could also alter his physical appearance. But didn't he already say he wasn't Batman? So it's really more or less a moot point anyway. Hi I'm Cyclone."

And I'll just shut up now. She entwined her fingers in front of her and suddenly found the rooftop very interesting, or at least a distraction from her constant rambling.


fanboy_power August 23 2011, 05:54:22 UTC
"No, I'm Eidolon...n-n-not shruken Batman," Eidolon replied with a frown.

He blinked a few times at what Maxine said, smiling a bit. It all made sense to him.

"I know, ma'am. I'm h-h-happy to meet you," he replied. "S-s-sorry Batman isn't available. Or Robin. J-just me right now. What did you want to tell Batman?"


nottomcat August 23 2011, 06:00:29 UTC
"Well, nothing, really. My Pops, the original Wildcat, was worried 'bout him..."

Not that old Pops would admit that, actually.

" he talked the JSA into sending anyone extra. That'd be me and Re-, sorry, Cyclone here. Just checking up on him and making sure he ain't mopey and rotting away in the cave."


nation_jsa August 23 2011, 06:11:01 UTC

"Not that Batman needs anyone to look after him, no on thinks that. Just that with all that happened we, the JSA want to make sure everyone is ok." So yeah. hopefully that came off ok.

"Eidolon, that's..greek right? It's like..a ghost or spirit. Something like alive but not alive. I mean if I remember correctly."

Yes Max was a college girl, and her trivia packed brain tended to leak frequently making her spew out all sorts of things to whoever would listen.


fanboy_power August 23 2011, 06:17:01 UTC
"It's also a species of bat," Eidolon replied to Cyclon. "Batman picked it out for me when he gave me my suit."

With a sigh, he looked away for a few moments. He knew things were bad for all the Bats and that Batman was not doing well. He wasn't doing well.

"The others are making sure Batman is alright. I'm d-d-d-doing my b-best to help too," he replied softly.


nottomcat August 23 2011, 06:19:06 UTC
"I'd say you are, kiddo. That was a neat little trick you did there with the disappearing. That has to be pretty handy. And Eidolon does give you a pretty nice bat sounding name as and combine that with the ghost thing I bet you're freaking crooks out."

Maybe it's the small stature or the stammering, but something about the kid makes Tommy wanna say something nice to him.


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