Heralding a New Day

Aug 09, 2011 15:20

A flash of white light.

Nekron stands before a white being, composed of white light, curled up as if asleep -- or afraid.

"Your lie has been revealed, Guardians," Nekron swears... then swings his scythe towards the creature.

As the scythe connects, every being in the universe is hit with a sharp stab of agony.

black lantern corps, green lantern hal jordan, supergirl kara zor-el, hippolyta, "blackest night", star sapphire, spoiler, atrocitus, indigo lantern sasha baranova, green lantern kyle rayner, aquaman, ice

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blind_will August 12 2011, 08:10:35 UTC
This is easy. All his life, Travis has wanted. There was this big empty pit inside him that could never be filled. He never ate well enough. He could never identify quite what that horrible anxiety that replaced fear was, when he had to sleep behind a dumpster, listening to sirens and gunfire. He needed to fight, to do something, and yet he couldn't.

And he hungered.

And then when he had the power, it was never enough. There was always another mugging. Another person starving. More drugs, more poverty, more horrors that he had never seen, and yet knew better than he knew anything else in the world.

And he wanted.

He had to have more. Somehow, his will could do anything - except make a dent. Except let him go home.

He was never good enough for Tara - he had to be more, do more. Be someone she deserved, instead of someone who hurt her. He knew she would never understand - much as he loved her, he didn't understand where she came from. How could she understand him. But if he had more, did more - he could be someone she deserved.

When it came to Tara, he didn't just want, no, he needed.

And he thought this was it. The orange ring - it could do so much. It was so much power - power Larfleeze wasted - because Travis not only has the greed, he has the will to conceive of infinity, and to put that want into action - the orange and the green, together.

And somehow, it didn't work.

Yes, he understood greed. Because he didn't just want, he knew what it was to have everything he ever wanted - and lose it...

And now he was going to earn it back.


lanternslight August 12 2011, 14:05:04 UTC
The fear...

He remembered it. He remembered it insinuating itself into his heart. Changing him. Making him different.

No. That was in the past. Memories of fear aren't feeling fear.

He was without fear.

He'd touched fear in the past, but he has overcome it. He has been given a new shot at life -- something few people ever get -- and he's doing it right. He's married Carol. He's with the Justice League again. He has Henry.


And suddenly, he knows fear again.

Every strike on that white being causes excruciating agony to every being in the universe... including his son. And the Black Lanterns went after family members... including his son.

If Henry lives, he's in pain because of this monster. And he might be dead.

Hal lets the fear of this wash over him, even as he knows, he'll do whatever it takes to set things right.


corps_of_hope August 12 2011, 14:41:09 UTC
When Hugh looked around, he saw how the world was, and how it could be, with just some work. He'd learned that blind faith that it would happen wouldn't work, but having faith that most people were basically good, helping them to see that they were, and then working alongside them to help improve things went quite a bit further.

It was why he'd joined the Navy Chaplain Corps, to help sailors and Marines see that even in the darkest times there was something worth fighting for. It was why he'd formed his youth group, to guide teenagers who hadn't had the best lives and give them hope that they could make better lives for themselves no matter where they came from.

And finally, it was why he was here. To make sure that the world still had a chance to work towards what he wished it could be.


super_shrink August 12 2011, 21:09:58 UTC
A five year old girl stopped to pick a boy up off the sidewalk, he'd fallen off his bike and scrapped his knee. The boy was poor and had few friends, but he was hurt, he needed someone.

A twelve year old Sasha braved the 'witch's' house to help elderly Mrs Travers. Children feared the woman and made up stories about her. But when she called out, Sasha had answered.

In college she was pushed toward private medicine rather than mental health. She could have money, power make her own hours. But it was not what she felt was right. Her internship for her doctorate was spent working with the homeless in the city. Her compassion was fostered among those who needed it most.

So now here she was, given a chance to offer the entire world a helping hand, to reach out to each and every living being here and throughout the galaxy and tell them.. some one cares.


geek_lantern August 13 2011, 04:35:34 UTC
He will never be the man without fear. That's not who he is.

That doesn't mean he can't overcome it.

Yes, he's failed, but failure only makes you meaningless if you refuse to learn from it. For everyone he's failed, there are those he has saved. It was not his fault that Alex died. It was not his fault that Donna died. It was not his fault that Jenny died. He was done being held back by doubt and regret.

Now it was time to man up and save the universe. Not because he was afraid of what the outcome would be if he didn't, but because he simply believed he would do so.

"Let's go to work." Kyle takes a step forward, and sets loose his greatest weapon.

His mind.


carol_ferris August 14 2011, 05:32:01 UTC
Carol Ferris knew about Love.

Thanks to the Star Sapphire over the years, she'd known every aspect of Love that a human heart and mind could experience. Now that she and the sapphire had become a single entity with her in control, she felt it all the more. The sapphire still whispered to her, only now it took direction from her. She was in control and she made the choices. She loved where she wanted and who she wanted.

All she had to do was love and the world would be safe.


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