At the Opera Tonight

Dec 30, 2010 18:38

The city of San Francisco is VERY accommodating when they broadcast that two Titans are aboard and that there's a impending terror attack at the peace conference ( Read more... )

"filthy lucre", fauna, changeling, mento, robotman

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heart_of_steele December 31 2010, 06:20:12 UTC
"Well?" Cliff asked. "How're we gonna get ourselves outta this one?"


nation_doomp December 31 2010, 06:34:06 UTC
"Most likely, they have that thing in the basement. It would be too large to hide anywhere else. And if it goes off, then this police cordon is a joke. the mutagen will spread from here to Palo Alto."


green_menagerie December 31 2010, 16:46:55 UTC
"I can get into the basement unseen," Gar offers. "And then open a new path."


nation_doomp January 8 2011, 05:26:17 UTC
Mento knows what Gar and cliff are capable of, but Gar's girlfriend is a bigger question.

"You there. I know you're a shapeshifter of some kind. What are your capabilities?"


hippie_shifter January 8 2011, 05:37:35 UTC
SFPD was nice enough to radio the tower and have them send her costume. It's still a little surreal taking orders from the guy she was supposed to be investigating...but the world of capes is like that.

"I'm not as sophisticated as Changeling is," she says. As soon as the mask is on, so is Fauna. It pushes "Aurora" to the side and narrows the world's focus. "I stay bipedal, with the same general mass. What I can do is pull off more than one animal at once...but there's a side effect."


nation_doomp January 8 2011, 05:38:16 UTC
"What kind of 'side effect?'" Mento asks.


hippie_shifter January 8 2011, 05:41:20 UTC

She nods to Changeling. "No matter how hard the shapeshift, he keeps the mind of a man. I...don't. The harder the shapeshift, the harder it is for me to stay in control," she explains.


heart_of_steele January 8 2011, 05:43:33 UTC
"Now, if we're all done gettin' ta know each other, can we go back ta savin' the day here?"


nation_doomp January 8 2011, 05:46:02 UTC
"Cliff, go with her, then. Gar and I will take the basement. Cause some kind of distraction for Diablo to deal with."


hippie_shifter January 8 2011, 06:03:13 UTC
She looks over to him. "And as soon as this is over, you are turning yourself in for this, right?"


green_menagerie February 8 2011, 04:41:09 UTC
Gar raises an eyebrow. "And who exactly put you in charge?"


heart_of_steele February 8 2011, 04:51:29 UTC
"You got a better idea, Green-Genes?" Cliff grumbled. "Dayton's right. Fer once."


nation_doomp February 8 2011, 04:57:54 UTC
"I got us into this mess. Only fair I get us out."

He takes a breath, adjust his helmet, and goes charging for the two bored mooks at the door.


green_menagerie February 8 2011, 05:15:31 UTC
Gar's annoyed, but he understands the point. He transforms into a manticore and follows after Dayton.


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