In Dreams (open to JSA)

May 21, 2010 03:00

"At first light" actually was delayed a few days.  There were certain commitments to living that were more important to her but once those had been addressed (and rest had been had) it was time for the Hawks to wing their way from Louisiana to New York and to the Brownstone.  To say that Shiera enjoyed the flight was an understatement; she reveled in it, soaring up with a sense of pleasure rather than purpose, letting the air rush around her.  It had been far too long since she'd been able to literally stretch her wings.  As they closed in on New York, though, she had leveled off and become more focused.  For as alive as she felt in the sky there was the matter of death that had to be attended to and it drew her down to the earth just as surely as though she had been placed in a grave.

"You should go first," she said simply to Carter.  It was unlike Shiera to be nervous or reluctant about anything but this...this surprise drop-in certainly had her off her center.  The nightmares and the dull feeling of something being just wrong muted her somehow.  She didn't like it.

And she hoped that by bringing their friends in on things, they'd get some answers as to why.

hawkgirl shiera hall, hawkman carter hall, dr. mid-nite, cyclone, green lantern alan scott, power girl, hourman, obsidian, mr. terrific

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