The Downside to Down Time

May 14, 2010 13:34

There was actually a downside to being a super-team sidekick, Paco discovered. Namely that, while the actual cape-types could claim "patrol" or "bad guys" as excuses to take a break from researching stuff, he couldn't.

The city of Austin had delivered the remains of Robotic LBJ to Southie's HQ ("note to self," Paco muttered, "come up with a better name") so that the team could look it over and try to figure out where it came from. The rest of the team certainly put in their time on the thing, but the really slow and boring parts seemed to become more and more of a Paco-and-Brenda project.

"There should really be a database for "the insides of giant robots"," Paco complained, prodding something computer-y looking with a screw-driver. "I bet if there was, something would stand out as a signature of whoever built this, and then we could have Jaime melt it into a decorative sculpture for our trophy room."

brenda, paco

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