[Photo of the Blah] 07/16/08

Jul 16, 2008 11:13

Ok, I will take everyones ideas and post whenever I want to. This may be daily, weekly, whatever.
I will also take Troy's idea and link, again, to my deviant art page. Seriously guys, I don't want to sound like I am asking for handouts or am pushing anything or whatever, but almost all my photos on there (not the photos of people, since there are only kids photos in there, and I do not want angry mothers for selling photos of their kids w/ out signed waivers) are availible for purchase. I have it set to the lowest possible price, so while I make a slight profit, it isn't much, because I mostly want people to be able to buy my stuff, not to make money off of this. I would make it so there was no profit, but they don't allow that. I guess they want us to make money. Oh well.


Oh and this headstone was around 50 - 60ft away from any other headstones, in the middle of the old Christian cemetery in Sioux City, IA. I really really want to know more about this headstone, but I cannot read it. If someone knows someone I could get to read it for me, that would kick ass, cause they have a Jewish cemetery, but this one headstone wasn't in it, and had like, seriously a radius of emptiness around it. It was odd and intrigued the shit out of me.

photo a day, shameful publicity

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