TITLE: Imprints in the Shadow
AUTHOR: Mary (Mary_Greenman)
RATING: PG (for the chapter)
FANDOM: Teen Titans DCnU
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Kermitfries00 for helping me enter the fandom. This is my first time ever writing Tim (or DC in general). I hope my vision of Tim Drake is Believable.
WARNINGS: Um. For this? Nada. In general, OFM & violence will be present. I don't know if I'm going to go into details yet. We'll see.
SUMMARY: Before Teen Titans began, Tim Drake had a different mission. This will be a series of drabbles/short stories that follow Tim as he hunts a former ally turned serial killer.
She made her choice. I’ve got a job to do. )
Fake cut to my writing journal above.