I hate my life.

Oct 24, 2009 23:26

Well, It's getting more interesting.

I've called and called, and she almost never answers or returns my calls.
When I do reach her, she only talks for a minute and hangs up on me.

I went to see Lori thursday night.

Lori wasn't there, and some of her stuff was gone, but not all.
The house is in hideous condition.
My idiot son in law showed up and spilled the beans.
Lori had left the house, and was in a hotel.
So I went there to find out WTF.

I found her at the hotel, and gave her the quilt I'd bought her for
our anniversary. It has lots of dolphins.
According to her it was too cold in the house, and rather than get the
heat turned on, she decided to go to a hotel.
She could have called me or my parents to get that fixed, but paying
for a hotel somehow made more sense.
She tells me that the furnace company won't light the furnace. The
furnace company just rewoked the furnace last year, and though they
said that we should CONSIDER a new furnace, the one we have was fine.

She's mad at me for not calling on our anniversary. I DID call. She never answered. She tells me her cell phone isn't working. I look at it, and it's turned off, the ringer and vibrator are turned off, and the handset volume is turned to minimum. When I fixed all that, I called her phone, and it's fine. I called my phone from hers, and it's fine.. But she's still mad at me.

This is a familiar pattern with Lori, she decides something isn't
possible, because she imagines that the doctor won't take the
insurance, or the bug guy won't spray again, or the furnace guy won't
light the furnace, etc etc, and no amount of facts or logic is going
to change her mind.

Then she tells me that her father had paid for the room till the first.
This makes no sense, Charlie bleeds tartan.
Charlie would advocate getting the furnace online, unless there was
some other reason that spending $55/day for a hotel for two weeks
makes sense.

So we talked for a bit, didn't get anywhere.
A friend called her, and I heard that the friend was expecting lori to
be in hawaii, and was talking in terms of lori not coming back. I
asked lori, and she refused to answer and remained evasive. Perhaps
the two week delay is "Two week advance purchase. That would make
sense for Charlie.
Finally, I left.

I gave it a rest, for a day and tried to contact her again today by
phone and text.
As usual no reply.
Late today, I went back to the hotel, and found that she was gone, as
in checked out.
Obviously she does not want me to know where she is.
Mike and Kathy (younger daughter and husband) have been back at the
house taking furniture and such, and have left behind a mess that
would be considered egregious at a college rental.

Despite several professional treatments, the place is overrun with roaches.
Cat poop all over the place. (Mike and Kathys cat)
Many days of unwashed dishes in the sink.
Trash and food remains all over the kitchen.
Clothing and other debris all over the floors.
Toilet plugged with poop and overrunning all over the floor, and had
been for days. (This took two strokes of a plunger to unclog, but the
bathroom floor is ruined.) Poop wiped all over the toilet, lid, and
Trash, soda cans, and other debris in every room, to the degree that
you want to think in terms of a leafblower.

So I have no idea what she's doing, and she is taking steps to be
unavailable to communicate.
She's left the place an absolute wreck, not fit for human habitation.

At this point, I'm expecting a divorce, but I would like to at least
talk to her.
I'm not mad, I'm just trying not to waste money that we don't have.
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