Finally migrating works to AO3

Aug 11, 2018 09:04

I had one of the best experiences a fanfic writer can have the other day: someone read one of my fics on AO3, liked it, commented on it, then promptly went off to read a bunch of my other fics on AO3 and comment on them as well. Obviously that only happens when the reader and I have tastes in common, and indeed, in one of their comments they happened to mention that the Doctor/Sarah best-friends relationship is their favorite. Oh, I was grinning so much, because -- me too! So then of course I became especially interested to know what they thought of my other Doctor/Sarah fic as I have written a truly embarrassing amount of it. I looked through my other fic on AO3 and . . . oh. Most of that fic isn't on AO3, I realized. I wrote it before I got an account there, and never bothered to bring it over from Teaspoon.

So, I am starting to rectify that. In some ways it's fun because the work shows up on AO3 as "new" and gets a little attention that way and hey, new comments on fic I wrote years ago! It's the cheapest, easiest way to get a small little ego boost. But it's also a bit of a pain because, as handy as AO3's import function is, I still have to go through about three iterations of correcting the notes and the tags and other random things once it's been imported. In fact, I'm wondering if it's not easier to simply post it as a new work from the copy of the fic on my computer. Of course, that means putting in all the tags and notes from scratch, but I'm practically doing that anyway.

Those of you who've done this for all of your past work -- any thoughts? Which method is easier?

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