I have signed up for the
btfchallenge writing challenge, which stands for "Be the First," and I am going to write the very first fic for QuarkI still can't believe that there is no fic for this fandom at all, but I haven't been able to find any. I don't consider it that obscure of a TV show, but apparently it is? Anyway, I'm really looking forward to writing
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I've never watched "Quark" so I can't comment on how obscure it is.
Anyway, I wish you good luck with your story! Do you at least have a friend to show it to / discuss it / ask for beta? Sometimes I feel, showing it just to one person and hearing their opinioin is enough, anything else is bonus.
I can't think of anyone who knows Quark who'd be willing to beta, but I do have a beta who is usually up for cracky sci-fi stuff even if she doesn't know the fandom, and this would definitely qualify. Quark was a sci-fi show that parodied sci-fi shows, especially Star Trek and Star Wars. And oh look, someone's put an episode up on Youtube in case you want to check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1BUCwf5yv4_
I'll check out the link, thanks! Not sure I know enough sci-fi to appreciate a parody show - you have to know the original to be in the know for the jokes, and I don't really watch much sci-fi. But I was very wary of "The Orville" in the beginning and ended up loving it, so you never know!
I never before have signed up to any challenges, as I prefer to write when an idea strikes me and not when a deadline is nearing, but given that I have the story already finished and only need to include the beta changes, I feel confident.
And how knows, one might find likeminded fans. I also just did my pimping post: https://btfchallenge.livejournal.com/5073.html?thread=78033#t78033
Does that sound convincing?
I actually searched for your post in DW back then and the link did not work there either.
Anyway, glad you have now found the comm, and are going to contribute your fic! Also, just so you know, I used to have your exact same attitude about challenges -- I was sure that my writing style would never work with a deadline -- but I have discovered that I was wrong. Not only can I write to deadline, but quite a few of my personal favorites are fics that I wrote for challenges. In fact, the very first fic I ever wrote for a challenge was also my very first fic to be widely recced (it made it to Calufrax, the Doctor Who reccing community). So maybe this will be the start of a new era of challenge-writing for you! But even if it isn't, there is nothing at all wrong with seeking out the occasional challenge here and there which fits you, and it sounds like Be the First is a great fit!
So are mine! The first ficathon I signed up for had a minimum word limit of 500 words. Yuletide -- which I'm pretty sure is the biggest multifandom exchange out there -- has a minimum word limit of 1000 words. And I just signed up for who-guestfest, another ficathon with a 500-word-limit. Plenty of stuff out there for writers like us!
Does she mean, in the beginning after it was revealed it can’t be found under the tag (as this usually takes a while)
Yes, this is what she means. It's because AO3 waits until the fics are revealed (made public) until they begin wrangling the tags (making them searchable), so right after reveal, the mod made a separate list and asked people to find the fics that way instead of going through tags. But it doesn't take AO3 long to wrangle tags, so the tags were likely all searchable within a few days.
I don't assume you watch "The Orville" nor will you probably know Seth MacFarlane's Western parody "A Million Ways to die in the West" - I did a crossover between those two. Albert from the Wild West was switched with Ed who is Captain of the "Orville" (both are played by Seth) and both had to deal with trying to find their ways through a totally different environment. Fish out of water so to speak. I had great fun with that one!
It's here if you are curious enough to try it.https://
And by curious coincidence, I just started watching "The Orville" recently, and am now about 4 episodes in. Haven't heard of "A Million Ways to Die in the West" but it sounds interesting, as does your crossover. : )
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