I just saw the Benedict Arnold episode, and OMG you guys, this show. This show. They keep upping the ante, and making it so good!
Anyone else worry that by killing David Rittenhouse, Lucy would cease to exist? Does her father just work for Rittenhouse, or is he -- and therefore she -- a descendant? Of course, since the son escaped, maybe it doesn't matter.
That bit where Agent Christopher wanted Lucy to meet her family so if they cease to exist, someone will remember them . . . wow. This show just keeps coming up with emotional consequences to time travel. Also, the ongoing debate about preserving history vs. making moral choices is very interesting.
It's a little worrying, but I am starting to really like Flynn. He's ruthless, but he's also motivated by a very understandable goal.
Now the big question is, has Rittenhouse been changed at all? Of course, it must still be a danger, or there won't be much of a show left. Still, given the malleable nature of time, things could get better and then get worse again.
And hooray, Rufus to the rescue! I also liked the bits with Connor Mason we got. I hope we get to see more of him. I want to know how he got involved with Rittenhouse. In fact, I wouldn't mind a whole episode set in the present, just for a change.