Okay, just saw the finale for the second series, and that was a big pile of WTF. I'm not even sure I understand what happened, exactly. Ricky Gillespie killed his niece, and then asked for drugged whiskey to be given to his daughter? Why? How does that help him, exactly? I know he said that if Ashworth goes to the police, he'll pin the crime on him, but if Ashworth doesn't go to the police, who is he planning on pinning the crime on? Is he thinking that no one will notice that Lisa is missing? I just don't get how drugging his daughter makes any sense.
In the meantime, Ashworth kills Pippa because Claire tells him Pippa thinks he murdered Lisa? And then Claire lies about it to Ricky?
Oh, and how did Lisa's pendant get into Ashworth's car? It was supposed to be such a huge, important piece of evidence, and then it didn't really have anything to do with the case in the end?
Then in other news, Joe Miller was found not guilty, and the rest of the town kicks him out, and Ellie and the Latimers are besties again. That ending just felt very pasted-on, and shallow, and unrealistic, especially given what we'd seen in the last two series. Does no one in the whole town question that Joe is guilty? Just those 12 jurors, then? For a television show that is supposedly about consequences, everything got all neatly tied up there, didn't it? Oh, and speaking of neatly tied up, and pasted-on friendships, that whole scene between the attorneys, WTF? If what's-her-face wants to continue practicing law, why does she have to go to her old protege to do it? Why would she even want to? And then that convenient "there's grounds for appeal in your son's case" tidbit, that she'd been sitting on for years because she couldn't be bothered about it until now? So much for law being a noble calling, I guess.
At least I can honestly say that I'm not sorry the show is over. Always look on the bright side, or as the show put it, "where better to have a picnic than where your son's dead body was found!" Hooray?