Sep 02, 2014 17:33
I just found out today that Karen Gillan is in Guardians of the Galaxy. I am SO out of the pop culture loop! I'm sure everyone else has known about this for months. Anyway, I'm glad I found out now, because I've been meaning to go see that movie, and if I'd just been sitting innocently in the movie theater and been unexpectedly confronted with Karen Gillan, I would have probably made all sorts of inappropriate noises.
In other news, I have re-read one of my old WIPS, and I've actually gotten myself excited about the story again. This is big news. You see, for ages I had tried forcing myself to work on it, and I never seemed to get anywhere. So I gave up and put it aside. But now, as I was re-reading the fic, instead of experiencing "oh god, this thing again," I wanted to keep reading. And when I got to where I had left off, I wanted to read more! Except of course there is no more. So I am now attempting to channel those feelings of wanting to read more into wanting to write more. And, I think I might be succeeding. I even have new ideas for how to end it, which is good because I wasn't ever that enthusiastic about my original idea for the ending (which might just have had something to do with why I never did manage to finish it). Anyway, I'm feeling the motivation again, although before I really start writing I'm going to have to do some episode re-watching -- specifically "Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane" and "Turn Left."
In other news, my kitchen has been overrun with fruit flies. It is so bad, I can't even cook in there right now -- flies land in whatever I have cooking on the stove. Yuck. I have cleaned everything I can, and taken out all the food-related trash, and poured clorox down the drain as I suspect they are breeding in the drain. And I have a fruit fly trap, which has successfully caught quite a few of them, although there are still tons more. Not sure what else I can do except wait for the current batch to die out and keep everything food-related out of their reach so they have nothing to eat or breed on. Which is kind of hard to do in a kitchen. I think I might be eating out for the next few days.
random thoughts,
rl related