My Days Are Numbered....Lol Already did~

Oct 21, 2012 23:26

Hello again to any fellow readers who actually read this dead lj of mine~! XD As you can see from the title,yeas my days are numbered. It's thetruth. dddddd~ DUN.dddddddd DUNDUN.

LOL Okay,jokes aside~ Why it's numbered coz TMRW IS THE DAY!
Tmrw is the start of what will possibly decide my future! As a human! Living in this world! Oh god! /exaggerating lol
Okay,okay...My Olevels is starting tmrwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~~~~! TT.TT

*needs a moment to freak out*

Ahhhh~~ Feels better! I feel so messed up lol Been cramming every single S**T i know (sorry for being vulgar ^^;)
Just needed to let all me FEEEELLLSSSS out~!

Thank you LJ~ I should get back to what i was doing before i go to bed lol
Hopefully the papers will not be too tough! >.<

I will probably post up my fanfic AFTER my exams (/prays that i'll not be lazy LOL)
Until then,let me crack my brain and inserts all the information i have for exams and then puke it out back on the actual paper.
sidenote:Maybe cheerleading arashi will help ♥ XDD

holycrap, olevels, shit

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