[FIC] A Back Talker's Secret - Chapter 4

Aug 27, 2012 13:51

Title: A Back Talker's Secret
Pairings: Yunjae, Yoosu, Kyumin
Ratings: PG -13
Warnings: None
Genre: Angst, Romance, High School, Drama
Length: 4/?
Summary: How do you show your love to someone you've known for years without embarrassing yourself? Well, thats what Jaejoong and Yunho are going to find out.
A/N - Sorry this is a suck - ish summary because the only way I could describe whats going to happen is if I tell the WHOLE story but I can tell you one thing.....This is going to have a LOT of drama and angst.

Chapter 4

humor, fanfic

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