I’m done with this so-called “DBSK-Biased fan”.

Jul 19, 2010 23:44

I just don’t want to start an argument in Soompi again. However, let me rant, because this is my blog.

I think it’s quite obvious why people irritated with sheilapiglet’s posts in Soompi.

What’s wrong with people to accept that you have bias or favourite member in a group?

I would say, a person that is more pathetic than the one who directly bashes the other intentionally is the one who doesn’t accept to him/herself that he/she is bashing the others because of his/her biasness.

Her posts in Soompi and sharingyoochun in the past few months always urge the argument. You can easily see the consistency of that. I have never cared for her post until she asked why people didn’t bash Jaejoong because he went out to drink with Max Matsuura. She wrote that it’s not fair because Yunho was bashed by attending the same party with SM executive.

It’s not even about who is your bias or my bias. I would write this blog too if JJ-biased fan try to protect JJ by asking more hatred towards YH.

It’s just simply not right to protect one member or ask fairness for one member by asking people to bash the other member at the same rate.

That’s not how a person who always say that he/she loves all the five should have ever asked. Never.

She and Kinkie_lass’s post were the main reasons that Edward closed DBSK thread4 on April.

(It’s obvious because he deleted all sheilapiglet’s and kinkie_lass’s post around that time, also with some other argument post which refered to them.)

And to those who said that she contribute so much to that thread…Let me say…

contribute all five to the thread =/= nice attitude towards all five.

I used to stay in a fandom where there was this person who contribute so much time and money to the fandom. However, at last, we know that she has this love/hate feeling with one of the duo we like, to the point that she asked her friend in a magazine publish some bad-mouthing column about that one. Then, we know that she shared so much in the past because she just wanted some attention.

I just hope that I am not facing this kind of person again.

For sheilapiglet, she can be good at discussion, seems reasonable sometimes. Her words might sound nice. Maybe majority of fans are too sensitive with her posts. (Sometimes I try to think like that too.)

But then again, this was one of her post at sharingyoochun…

“i don’t agree that HM’s parents should apologize to the trio…lol…..it’s basically stating that HM’s parents wanted what’s best for them and if that’s staying under SM’s management, then that’s their rightful opinion…..why should they apologize?…..shouldn’t the 3 apologize too then because they’re the ones that “broke up” the group in the first place by filing the lawsuit?…sure they wanted their freedom, but at what cost?”

I can pick up tons of this kind of comment from her.

Feel free to protect her as you want.

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