(no subject)

Dec 20, 2008 00:11

a. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.
b. Tag six people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

1. What type of food do you like most?
Anything that appeals to me(:

2. How do you style your hair?
i dont style it. XD  but i iron my hair if i had to leave the house

3. What is making you happy right now?
Crapping with venisu

4. What are you currently reading?
the five people you meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom (great book

5. Do you need music to study/write?
sometimes i do, sometimes i dont. they can be both inspiring and distracting. X3

6. What was the last book you read?
The Stuff of Nightmares by Malorie Blackman

7. What was your first car?
i cant drive -.-

8. Do you have a crush at the moment?
i don't, honestly

9. What is your favorite movie genre?
Action. And thriller. Like duh. Why do we pay the money for the bigscreen and sound effects? xD

10. What was the last thing you ate today?
Subway Cookie!(:

11. What’s your morning routine?
wake up
fall back into bed
wake up before mom starts screaming

12. What websites do you visit daily?
LJ (number 1), winglin, soompi?

13.What kind of relationship do you want?
Hmm... Something like Joongbo couple on WGM (will dedicate a post to them later) They're cool(:

14. Which languages do you wish you spoke?
Korean, Japanese, french well(does this count? xD)

15. What do you want for Christmas?
Something nice. I don't expect anything. A simple hug will do just fine(:

16. What are you daydreaming about right now?
Nothing xD

17. Who are you current favourite artistes?
DongBangShinKi! EpikHigh!

18. Where would you like your next holiday to be?

19. What is your dream car?
Hmm... I want a Lamborghini. Hot car(:

20. Tell me something you love about the person who tagged you.
she's a very good listener and consoles people well(: Love you lots(:

a.ok_go5 ♥ b.venisu ♥ c.jesape ♥ d.anim22 ♥ e.kitsunekyubi44 ♥ f.ain! ♥
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