Title: in his eyes
dbdbyeahWord Count: 100 words
Concrit?: yes, please.
Pairing: yunho / yoochun
A/N: coz i wish i could watch yoochun when he sleeps. LMBO. stalker much <.< (?)
Someone has a habit of falling asleep during practice. All it takes is a fifteen minute break and someone's going to be out cold: back to the wall, or down on the floor in a position that's bound to end up hurting when he wakes up. Yunho sits beside him on the floor, tilts his head to get a better look at said sleepyhead (drool and all); his lips are slightly parted and Yunho wants to kiss them - so he does.
Yunho's breath hitches when he opens his eyes.
Yunho kisses him again. This time, Yoochun kisses back.