Title: Awakening (response to flashfic challenge 6: Spring giddiness)
Author: Zhyune
zhyuneWord count: 614
Concrit?: Yup^^
Pairing: JAEMIN ♥
Rating: PG
Summary: Two worlds, yearning for a single sign of awakening.
A/N: Written in frenzy. I’m a hopeless romantic? (i'm new here ^^)
Today, like every other day, we wake up empty
and frightened.
His day begins like any other. Foggy-eyed, the clock shrilly ringing by his bedside, he hits the snooze button and snuggles back under the cozy bedsheets, and is instantly back in lala-land. Jerking awake half an hour later, he curses under his breath the fact that he was now hopelessly late.
“Jaej…” his lips formed the words that couldn’t escape his tightened throat.
Because he remembers.
Heart sinking to the pit of his insides, he turns to face the empty half of the bed they used to share, half expecting Jaejoong’s cheeky smile, slapping his thighs and tickling him in a bid to wake him up. But that was before….before it happened.
He rises, going through his daily morning rituals soullessly, devoid of emotions. The endless images of Jaejoong ran through his mind like a movie on a constant playback. He couldn’t stop thinking, he wouldn’t stop either. The hurt following the loss of a lover fed on his emotions day by day, leeching to his very soul, sucking the life out of him progressively, maliciously.
Changmin rotates his left wrist. It still felt stiff and painful, a reminder of his past mistake. Even now, as he stood by his workbench filled with numerous open jars of paint in a spectrum of vivid colours, his easels and frames were only filled with greyscale sketches of Jaejoong in various positions and poses from his memory. Never again could he create those triumphant watercolours that had shot him to fame.
I would love to kiss you.
The price of kissing is your life.
“You’re a famous artist, with lounges and galleries queuing up to display your works. You’ll go down the drain by announcing your…filthy marriage.”
“Announce it, and our contract’s over, Changmin.”
“You’re ruining yourself…and your career.”
“Jaejoong’s injured by a hit-and-run, Changmin, I’m afraid he’s not gonna make it.”
The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don't go back to sleep.
“He’s in a coma, he could remain that way forever now, Changmin.”
People are going back and forth across the doorsill
where the two worlds touch.
It’s all my fault that he’s comatose, it’s a conspiracy so they could earn more money out of my paintings. Damn it, I would give all those fame and money up if I had seen this coming.
The conspirators were waiting for him when he came. “You did this to Jaejoong, you did this to him! So I wouldn’t be able to declare my love for him through marriage, and so you’ll still be able continue to leech on me, for all those fucking money!”
He felt a painful blow on his painting hand, as a large heavy bat cudgelled and crushed his wrist. He felt something snap and a shot of pain through his nerves. Kneeling, he grabbed his bloodied wrist, knowing that his career was over.
“The world would be sorry for the loss of your talent. Your existing paintings would sell for ten times their value.” Laughing, his conspirators left him groaning and writhing in pain till he was found.
The door is round and open.
Don't go back to sleep.
A single tear found its way pass his cheeks, landing upon one of his most prized sketches of Jaejoong. A close-up, with details finely sketched in, resembling the real Jaejoong by at least 99 percent to say the least. He didn’t wipe that tear away, watching intently as the fine lines smudged and smeared.
A mile away, in the Seoul General Hospital, where all nurses had given up hope on this one comatose patient, hope stirred, his stiff fingers twitching ever so slightly. A nurse on duty shrieked, as she saw the unbelievable.
A single tear escaped the patient’s eye, streaking past his cheeks.