Title: Delete
twhitesakuraWord-count: 200
Concrit? Yes
Rating: PG-13
Summary: AU. Junsu loses a pupil.
Junsu sifts through scripts, picking out the more promising musicals he wants to produce. When he’s not engaged with potential sets and cast members, he tutors Changmin’s daughter. She’s bright-eyed and eager, although she’d been surly and sarcastic during their first ten lessons, just like her father as a youth. She sings wonderfully, in a high soprano Junsu thinks won’t deepen much with puberty. He calls Changmin’s residence on his mobile and chats with Soyoung’s mother as he prepares for a vacation. They haven’t set the next lesson date yet. Soyoung’s mother is doing well. Soyoung is adapting.
“It’s been sixteen months,” Soyoung’s mother finally says when the pleasantries run dry. “I think it’s time.”
Junsu inhales. Outside his home office, the snow is falling on the bare-branched willows in his garden.
“Yes.” A pause. “You’re right of course. Take care of yourself and Soyoungie.”
“I will. I can’t thank you enough, Junsu.”
Junsu wipes Soyoung's name off his white erase board. He emails his secretary to offer her vacant spot to the next pupil on the wait list. He swivels around in his chair and thumbs through his cell phone’s address book. He watches the snow. His hand shakes.