Title: Aftermath
keiko_kirinWord count: 150
Concrit?: Sure
Pairing: JaeSu
Rating: G
In the hotel room high above Los Angeles the quiet overwhelms. Junsu would interrupt it by singing but hears rain against the imposing windows. Weak, half-assed rain with not even a rhythm to match or compete with. He shifts from foot to foot and looks out over the indifferent urban sprawl.
Behind him Jaejoong curls like a cat on the sofa, hiding in headphones and a hoodie. Eyes closed to become invisible. As if, Junsu thinks.
An hour earlier: Jaejoong's sleek stretch and predatory gaze and whispered complaint that nevertheless is an invitation. They play this game together oddly, at unusual times, and afterwards it's drinking and shouting or it's retreating into enormous silences. Or Yoochun arrives a hair too late to catch them and conveniently becomes their pampered obstacle in the middle.
No Yoochun yet, and the weak rain is as frustrating as Jaejoong's closed eyes. Junsu starts singing.