Title: First Kiss
junsu_hyungWord count: 115
Concrit?: Go for it! ^^
Pairing: MinSu
Rating: PG, I think...
Summary: Changmin wanted to try something...
Author's Notes: This is the edited version of my last one, which I deleted. ^^;
It was the beginning of something new. The feel of his lips were soft and welcoming. Junsu was addicting, Changmin realized as he was led deeper into the kiss, a skilled tongue entering the youth’s mouth, making him feel weak. He pulled away for air and Junsu smiled innocently up at him, his heart skipping a beat as the sheep boy enveloped the tall deer in his arms to feel Changmin’s warmth. Changmin allowed his darkest secret to spill from his lips:
“I love you, hyung.” Junsu let loose a dolphin laugh, causing the youth to blush deeply only to feel a face nuzzle into his neck gently.
“I love you, too, Changmin-ah, always have.”