Title: Monday Blues
diamantdesaphir 's friend
Word count: 130
Concrit: yes
Rating: G
Summary: Jaejoong likes mondays
Author's Notes: First post here and written by my friend D. Btw, fic is jaejoong-centric.
Mondays, to Jaejoong, signifies the beginning of a new week; a new phase in life; closure from the previous.
A fresh start.
He doesn’t have this luxury.
From the moment he awakes, he is sucked into an endless cycle of perfunctory greetings, of blinding flashlights from oversized cameras, of variety shows and photo shoots and live performances and radio broadcasts and recording in studios and -
And sometimes Jaejoong wishes for it stop. But before his mind can churn out fantasies of burning contracts and waltzes down the streets of London, reality slaps him, quite hardly, across the face and sets him back in place.
So in the rare minutes at night that sleep doesn’t ravish him, he tries to appease himself by reminiscing his past Mondays.
He never remembers.
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