Priorities (Drabble Challenge 104: Monday)

Sep 13, 2010 19:45

“Come home with me.”

Changmin shook his head. “I have work tomorrow.”

One drink down. Yoochun wanted to pull him to the dance floor. Changmin laughed at his scrawny arms and resisted, staying exactly where he was.

Two drinks down. Changmin started making faces at Yoochun across the bar, mocking his greasy dancing. He contemplated whether it was possible for a person to be as greasy as Yoochun was.

Yoochun joined him in the third drink. Their glasses clunk and the unofficial race begun. They never discussed who won and who lost; just a look of victory in the younger’s eyes and a sheepish roll of Yoochun’s eyes was enough.

Four drinks down. Yoochun was going on about how Changmin pays too much attention to girls and Changmin scoffed, pointing out how Yoochun pays too much attention to Jaejoong hyung.

They didn’t notice when four turned to six.

Changmin checked the time on his phone. Only an hour until Monday and the tortuous wait until it’s Friday night, the day he gets to meet Yoochun, would begin.

Changmin sighed and gave into that stupid, greasy smile.  “Come home with me.”

c: monday, a: only4dbsk

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