Title: Vacation Time Author: yami_ryuusei Word count: 200(double drabble) Concrit?: Yes please Summary: What would DBSK do on a vacation during spring? Author's Notes: Please enjoy!
Haha...I wouldn't be able to resist either. But then, I love spring, I love soccer, and I love Junsu. haha.
I don't know if you want to change 'kick soccer' to 'play soccer?' You don't really kick soccer, you kick a soccer ball, or you play soccer. ^_^ Up to you!
Thanks for the notice, I will change it but in my country, it is actually said as kick soccer. Still thank you for informing me. Well, I would not be able to resist as well since I love soccer too. I don't know about spring though.
Comments 4
I don't know if you want to change 'kick soccer' to 'play soccer?' You don't really kick soccer, you kick a soccer ball, or you play soccer. ^_^ Up to you!
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