Title: Sweet Tooth
Author: beauty0fparting
Word Count: 150 w
Concrit: Sure
Pairing: OT5 (but it leans more to soulmates)
Rating: So G is hurts.
A/N: I apologize in advance for future confusion.
Sweet Tooth
It’s Halloween in DongBangShinKi and Jaejoong’s a pretty princess.
He didn’t want to dress up like a mummy or a zombie because lately, there’s too much spider webs cluttering their home that there’s barely enough room for the sweets.
So, “Trick or treat,” and…
…Three knocks on Yunho’s door and he’s given a caramel-coated stare saying, “I’d still be watching over us.”
….Two knocks on Changmin’s door and he’s given a hand-on-a-shoulder flavored licorice saying, “We’ll get through this.”
…One knock on Junsu’s door and he’s given a smile-like toffee saying, “I’ll keep you company.”
…Nothing on Yoochun’s door because it’s left wide open. Jaejoong looks around and finds Yoochun standing behind him, holding a big bag of Hershey milk chocolate Kisses that says, “I’ve been with you since you started knocking.”
An exchange of smiles and a look inside Jaejoong’s basket say, “My, my, I could be Willy Wonka!”