Title: The Ferocity of Public (Opinion)
Author: Cass Di V
Wordcount: 100
Concrit: Go For It.
THIS. (This is a fancam from an airport watching the boys go through a boarding gate. A woman gets between their manager and Yoochun, and as she's having her ID checked, she turns and points a camera less than a foot from Yoochun's face. He pulls it down. Tension ensues, especially when an airport employee attempts to take it from Yoochun as he's handing it to one of their staff.)
Authors's Notes: Dear Rana, I finally understand how words can be the only chance to compensate for our personal inability to alter the world any other way. You get my first drabble, but we both know it really belongs to Yoochun.
Sometimes the difference between sanity and insanity is knowing when to move and when to hold still.
And sometimes, the difference is not when at all, but how.
There is an incident with a camera at the boarding gate in the airport at Gimpo. Like everything else in their lives, it is indelibly recorded and spread across the globe in a matter of moments. They chose this, the accusers will gloat. Fucking American, others will sneer.
The picture, of course, will be out of focus.
Timing is everything, someone once said.
They always forget about things like grace. And pressure.