Title: Hues of Perfection
Pairing: JaeMin
Rating: G
Wordcount: 150
A/N: For
mrsedjack . Because I love you, my beautiful wifey ♥
JaeJoong is beyond beautiful, Changmin concludes, as he watches the eldest cover a laugh with the back of his hand, and how Changmin wished the other wouldn’t.
Because JaeJoong glows like an unreachable star; his heart shining bright in all vibrancy, with hues of perfection-and imperfection, but what is the difference really? Changmin likes to think that sometimes, this surge of happiness fills his heart too.
Changmin wishes to touch and feel, to hold and cling tight. But he limits himself to scrutiny- engraving the image of a smiling JaeJoong, like an everlasting photograph, and secretly (greedily) stashes it away.
He hopes that one day, when he digs them all up-pictures of tears and smiles and the things in between that don’t seem as important but at the same time are-he’ll feel as if he was a part of it; this ephemeral life span of eternal emotions.