Title: When It Reaches Zero
sheerabWord count: 100
Concrit?: Yes please!
Pairing: Yunho (& Yoochun)
Summary: What happenes when Yunho thinks that he can do the same to himself what Yoochun does with ease?
When It Reaches Zero
He looked past his toes.
It would be nothing, he told himself. It would all be over in a matter of seconds.
How difficult could it be anyway?
How difficult would it be to break his heart again when he did it using three words?
How difficult could forgetting him be when he isn’t who he used to be?
If he could do it, I can do it too, he assured.
He stepped out.
Yunho’s heart raced as his family, his friends and him flashed past his eyes.
Within seconds, it all came to an end.
Oh, that wasn’t difficult.