Title: Shine
yomi_chan305 Word Count: 394
Concrit: Sure D:
Pairing: YunJae
Rating: PG
Summary: Someone asks you once if you've ever tasted blackberry.
A/N: It made sense when I was writing it. ^^; Also it switches POV randomly.
You look back on your life, at how hard it's been. It seems a never-ending cycle, which is strange as you've only been on the earth for twenty some years. But then again, what else would you know? It's entirely immense.
Someone asks you once if you've ever tasted blackberry. You don't think you have, as you don't eat much fruit. Then you remember that you tasted it once. Just once. Yunho was eating some, and he offered you one. You were in a flighty mood and said, "Only if you feed it to me." You could taste it on his lips. Your heart expanded and divided at his touch.
Jaejoong thinks that the world has its shine. The cities, the glowing lights that you can see from space, (or so you're told) they seem to signify something bigger, something unseen. Something untouchable. You think of that, and your mind says, Yunho. You might have him, but he really isn't yours. And so the cities show your grief.
Yunho seems to like getting caught out in the rain. If ever it rains, he'll probably go out a few minutes before it starts, and come back a few minutes after it stops, dripping from head to toe. His hair hangs in his face in soggy strands. The wind nudges it and the grungy look suits him, makes him look extra kissable. He lights fires on your lips. Lights them in your heart as he pulls you to his chest, neither of you caring about how wet he is. The carelessness calms you.
You can hear Jaejoong singing on the balcony. The presence of his song rises up to meet you. The wind kicks up a low hum in some nearby trees, and they mix with the melody Jaejoong sings in perfect harmony. You walk out and wrap your arms around him, just letting his voice caress your soul. He stops and starts again, and you join in, harmonizing. Because that's what you are to each other. The remaining part of the puzzles of your lives. How immense they are.