Title: Shattered Glass
Pairing: Kyumin
Length: One Shot
Summary: Never did anyone know, the glass broke. Sungmin hyung was in front of me when the glass broke. I managed to pull Sungmin hyung away but a piece of shattered glass went into sungmin’s eyes. He instantly fell to the ground.
As usual, fans would surround the place. All 13 of us stayed together. I help onto Sungmin hyung incase he gets lots. We followed the security guard’s instruction and walked safely back to the building of our dorm. But there were fans inside surrounding; when they saw us they started squeezing everybody out of the building. But, never did anyone know, the glass broke. Sungmin hyung was in front of me when the glass broke. I managed to pull Sungmin hyung away but a piece of shattered glass went into sungmin’s eyes. He instantly fell to the ground.
‘Hyung! Are you okay? Hang on I’ll call the ambulance.’ I took out my phone out and called for the ambulance.
‘I’m fine kyu. Don’t be so worried.’
‘How can I not be worried? It’s a piece of shattered glass that went into your eyes! It’s my fault for not being able to pull you away fast enough. I’m sorry hyung.’
I felt a soft warm kiss on my lips.
‘It’s not your fault kyu. It never was, it never will be.’
‘But hyung..’ I saw blood flow down his eyes like tears.
‘Kyu, look. The ambulance is here.’
They took Sungmin hyung onto the ambulance, of course I went along. We held our hands together in the ambulance.
‘I will be fine kyu, you are overreacting. ‘
‘hyung, you have to be alright. I need you by my side. I need you to wake me up every morning; I need you to help me sleep at night; I need you in every way.’
‘Kyu, I will be alright. Furthermore, I also need you by my side.’
‘How is my child? How is sungminnie? Leeteuk umma said while walking towards me.
‘He is undergoing a surgery. A piece of shattered glass went into his eyes. The doctors are trying to get the glass out.’
‘Why must this happen? What exactly happened?’
‘After you and hyukjae hyung left for sukira, 11 of us went back to the dorm. But fans followed us back and there were still more fans inside the building of our dorm. The moment they saw us they started squeezing out of the building, the glass broke. I managed to pull Sungmin hyung away but I was still too slow. That’s why the glass went into his eyes.’ I wanted to cry that very moment but I held back my tears. Leeteuk umma saw me holding back my tears. He came up to me and hugged me.
‘Go ahead and cry if you want to kyu, you will feel better after crying.’ After umma’s words I couldn’t take it anymore and cried in leeteuk umma’s warm motherly hug. I cried very hard in umma’s arms. Over exhaustion, I fainted.
When I woke up Sungmin hyung was sleeping on the bed beside mine. He was sleeping so soundly that I didn’t have the heart to wake him up. I was looking at Sungmin hyung’s angelic face, trying to remember this angelic face of his.
‘Kyu? You are awake? You should have more rest.’ Umma told me quietly.
‘Umma, how is Sungmin?’
‘He is out of danger. He needs plenty of rest now. And his injury mustn’t hit water.’
‘He still can see us right?’
‘Depends, we will know when he wakes up.’
‘When will he wake up?’
‘The doctor said either today or tomorrow. Usually it’s the case.’
‘Umma, is Sungmin and kyuhyun awake?’ donghae asked while walking in.
‘Sungmin isn’t but kyuhyun is.’
‘Hi kyuhyun’ donghae told me
‘Hi hyung.’ I replied
‘How are you feeling?’
‘I’m alright hyung. It’s just umma wouldn’t let me walk around’
‘You should listen to leeteuk umma.’
I nodded my head and smiled.
He went over to leeteuk umma and hugged him, a comforting hug.
I just lay at the bed and stared at the ceiling. I regretted not pulling Sungmin earlier, I caused him all this. My mind was in a whirl.
‘Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun wake up.’
‘Sungmin is awake. He wants to see you.’
I jumped up and waked to Sungmin hyung,
‘Sungmin hyung, can you see me?’
‘Of course I can.’
‘Can you see me clearly?’
‘Very clearly kyu.’
I hugged Sungmin hyung tightly.
‘I promise I won’t let you go through such things anymore. I’m sorry hyung.’
‘Remember what i said before? It isn’t your fault, it never was, it never will. Stop blaming yourself kyu.’
‘But it’s really..’ Sungmin cut me off with a kiss
‘It’s not your fault and it’s final. Stop blaming yourself or else I will get angry.’
I flashed my best smile for Sungmin hyung.
It was not long later when heechul came in with the rest of super junior members. It room was filled with laughter again. Everybody was back to normal, all 13 of us.
how was it? i couldn't really think of a fluff fic now :x
comments are loved! :D