Title: The past is painful
Pairing: Kyumin
Length: Drabble
Rating: G
Summary: Each time I look at you, deep down I feel you are still hurt, but what can I do? I can't do anything at all. I love you, I really do, but do you even care?
'Let's break up.' I looked at you, you didn't move. After awhile you smiled and said goodbye in a formal way, it made me uncomfortable. I didn't know what to do, I love you.
'Look into my eyes and repeat your sentence.' You looked at me, straight into my eyes and told me again. The impact was harder this time. You turned and walked away. I looked at you, hoping that you would turn around, run back and tell me it is all a lie, but no. You didn't turn back, you walked out of the room and never once turned your head to see me one last time. I was really hurt.
Each time I look at you, deep down I feel you are still hurt, but what can I do? I can't do anything at all. I love you, I really do, but do you even care?
'Let's forget about the past.' you said to me. Honestly, I want to forget the past and be with you again, but it's too painful. You promised to treat me well this time round. I want to believe you, but the truth is too painful.
'I can't live without you.' you forcefully crash our lips together. You said you have already given me your heart and you don't want anyone else, only me. This time, I would take the risk, just to be with you. Even if I have to go through the pain again, I don't mind. Because, I love you Kyu.
'Kyu~ I'm curious about something.'
'About what?' You wrapped your arms around my waist as you asked your question.
'Why did you break up with me the other day?' you said nothing but hugged me closer. I don't mind you not telling me, as long as you know I love you.