Title: Starry Night
Pairing: Kyumin
Length: One shot
Rating: G
Summary: 'Kyu! Look at that star! It's so pretty!'
'Kyu! Look at that star! It's so pretty!'
'Yes, it indeed is pretty.'
We said nothing but held onto each other. I told Sungmin hyung I needed the washroom, I went into the kyumin room, took my camera and walk to the window. I opened the window and took a picture of the stars; I hurried to the computer to get the picture printed out. Once the picture is out, I placed the photo into a pink envelope and sealed it with a kiss.
‘Sungmin hyung~’
‘What took you so long Kyu?’
‘Tummy upset’ I lied.
‘Are you okay Kyu? Do you need the doctor or something?’
‘I’m alright hyung’ I regret lying.
He nodded and looked back at the starry sky. I passed him the pink envelope.
‘What is it Kyu?’
‘Open it up and see it for you, I’ll get drinks’
Before reaching the kitchen I turned back to see what was Sungmin hyung’s reaction. He opened the pink enveloped with excitement and screamed suddenly. He took it and compared to the starry sky.
‘Looks exactly the same, that kyu~’
With that, I went to the kitchen to get chilled orange juice.
‘Hyung, what happened?’
He hugged me tight in his arms, not letting me breath. I then moved back to see his face, he was crying.
‘Hyung, why are you crying?’
‘I’m touched kyu. I really am.’
Sungmin hyung continued to cry; I lifted his chin and placed a kiss on his lips.
‘Bubbly suits you better. So, don’t cry hyung’
He nodded and smiled widely.
This is dedicated to
onetruemei(cheer up aunt~)