Just a quick heads up to let you know about a virus that has been going around LJ recently.
angel_9_lives brought it to my attention last night, and some of you may have seen a mod post on
super_junior about it.
Basically, this virus apparently has been targetting larger communities. There have been instances of entire comms having all of their posts completely whiped out, and obviously we don't want that to happen here.
If you see any posts made by myself,
hyungie, or
angel_9_lives, please be sure to check the subject line. We will always label our posts with either [MOD POST] or some other suitable label, should we be posting new request masterposts/advertisements/etc. If anything seems kind of fishy in the post itself, and/or the [MOD POST] label is missing, please PM or email one of us right away, and we will either delete it, or confirm that the post is legit.
For more information about this, check out this post
Thanks guys :)