Okay, I mean my sitting room, where I sit trying not to be totally jealous that Hari (might be) going to Dublin next month (on a whirlwind European tour for work.)
So what needs to be finished for Ireland? My coffee table for one, which I almost destroyed completely yesterday, but was able to save. Also, framing of two prints. Other than that, I think we are good.
On the door, the Ogham "Blessed Be" that Duir made for us one year for Yule. I snagged it.
Welcome to Ireland. Note my lamp, which may be a bit ugly, but it was a hell of a lot uglier when it was white and teal. I think it adds to the woodland theme. And it only cost like, $10. I enjoyed painting it, too.
"Hey, why iz YOU here? And what iz this white twisty thing you puts on the yummy yummy stereo cord? I disapprove!"
Here is the couch, and yes it *is* a fouton, and yes, you *can* stay over. (Of course, if you are certain people, you don't *have* to sleep on the fouton...unless the bed is already full.)
This is the trinity closet. LOL. It has three parts. From L to R: Brighid Altar with drawers beneath for a. candles, b. incense, c. essential oils. The second part is the general magical supply section. My accoutrements are stored behind the curtain. In front, the cauldron, a basket and some bowls. A storage cubby (shoes are there now until I get my bed and can store them under there) and a drawer for herbs. I have a little stool I use all the time (because I'm short) and you can see the top of it right there. The third part of the closet, the part with a door and mirror (the door actually slides) has coats and various other crap in there that I don't want people to notice when they come over (mostly it's just an "everything" closet. I have an "everything" drawer in my bureau too...it's already full.) On top is storage. Lovely lovely storage.
Here is Nyx's hutch. To the side his hay and pellets (I have a larger store of hay in the basement.) You can see how the little ramp comes down so he can frolic freely. On the wall above is a bulletin board (with leaf decor) and my Amy Brown Blackbird girl, with a frame I made with Wallace Stevens' "13 Ways of Looking at A Blackbird" written on it. The recipient of that gift no longer wanted it, so I gladly kept it. Also in sight is my lovely southern exposure window.
My bookshelves. Yes, most of my books are in storage, and I don't miss them much. (At least not yet.) I have my CDs in two shelves here. My guitar on the left, and my vinyl on the right. Books and little altars every where. The bookcases have the stenciled leaves on the sides. I think they turned out nicely. That green thing on the floor is a chair. It supports your back while you sit on the floor. it's really comfortable.
A wider view of the room, looking to the West. My vinyl, my (mom's) record player. On the wall, my Amy Brown Greenwoman and Rhiannon (the latter being my first Amy, purchased in about 1999, before she got superfamous.) On the ground, my basket of magazines, including my Bollywood movie mags (getting cross-cultural here.)
My Borda Pentacle. It wouldn't be home without it.
Closeups of the shelves: Top: Books on Ireland, and my Cláirseach. Next, great fiction, family photos, and a tiny silver cup, a gift from my former mother-in-law...the lovely Mrs. Lovely. I gave most of her things back to Bryan, but kept a few tiny things she gave especially to me. Next shelf, more good books, a little klatsch of cats, a photo of my dear friend and her family, a green candle and some coins.
Music, and bunnies. Even the Oracular Head wears bunny ears. Next, Terry Pratchett, photo of my McNassar men (Dad and Bros) and my how-to books (no, I do NOT have "Intercourse for Dumbos" on the shelf.) The bottom shelf has some of my cookbooks (most are in the kitchen now) and a couple books on fashion/style.
Top shelf, a few DVDs I don't have in my huge DVD wallets (now in living room, near the TV), an aspen candle holder, and a photo of me and my friend Melissa on Halloween 2007. Next, my ocean altar. On the left side, a mermaid hook my mother gave me. The sea god (I like to see him here as Nodens), a photo of me and my beloved AB after our crazy Pacific Ocean frolic a couple of years ago, a sea horse perched in a holey stone, some blown glass balls, a piece of driftwood, a photo of Hari's beautiful boys frolicking in the Indian Ocean, and a candle holder of a mermaid riding a seahorse with a flower on her head.
Next shelf, a picture of me and Seosaimhin making out (I do miss her. I get to visit her now and then. She seems to be doing just fine.) A green marble mortar and pestle, the oak leaf bowl and candle which connects me to my chosen family in times of need, (in back of that is the Borda triple goddess plaque). The photo of me and my brother Daniel at his wedding (I was his "Best Woman") and the little "castle of dreams" box that Lore gave me. Also, my Bodhran stick, all on top of a leafy placemat. Next shelf, a variety of books with the leaf embroidery that Ruth made me, a basket of stones and crystals, a spiral candle holder and an antler from an animal I no doubt ate. (It was my dad's, and he honored every animal he killed by letting no part go to waste.) You can't see the next shelf, but there is a photo of Hari, his son Siddharth and his sister, Deepa, visiting Hari's old school in Chennai and talking to a teacher there. There is also a box of celtic knot coasters and a cute photo of me and Tristan and Kiya's birthday party. Oh, Hel, let me just take a photo of it right now. Storage of empty or data CDs/DVDs is on the bottom shelf.
Closeup of the Amy Browns and the leaves on the side of the shelf.
I found this long scroll/strip of paper when I was moving, and put it here. It's a prop from a Midsummers Rite I did with Duir for TERRA. I played the Goddess and he played the Oak King. It was my "Honey Do" list, and it is filled with personal jokes. When Duir saw it last night, he cracked up. It reminded me of the "good old days."
Closeup of the Brighid Altar. My statue is caressing the Biddy Doll that was made for me by one of my Flamesisters (the daughter of a Mother-Daughter team) The one I made for her is still sitting in the chalice. I am preparing a large load of tardy mailings tonight.
The rustic green rug over which my coffee table will soon rest. I love my hardwood floors.
The secret bookcase, which is "hidden" when the door is open.
Closeups. Books, magical chachkis. My pendulum boxes, a compass. My cards. My wands. More stuff...
A clock on the wall above the Trinity closet.
A wastebasket under the lamp. This one was much cheaper.
"Hay! I'z sleepy. Go 'way now."
Pax, my friends. The dove of peace upon a Celtic Cross blesses you on the way out.
(Anne: "Doves are anything but holy." Nicholas:"Yes, they poo on our windows." ~The Others)
Thank you for taking the tour! You are all invited at any time. (Although maybe not all at once. There's not that much space!)