Untitled [Prologue/???]

Mar 05, 2011 20:50

Title: Untitled
Author: Ryuuto
Series: The World Ends With You, Kingdom Hearts
Rating: T
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Neku, Joshua, Beat, Shiki, Rhyme, Sanae Hanekoma, Sora, Donald, Goofy, Riku, Kairi, list will be updated when more come in; likely JoshNeku, BeatShiki, and RiSoKai, will be updated if needed
Disclaimer: I don't own TWEWY or Kingdom Hearts. I just write fanfiction for my own pleasure.
Warnings: Language, Fantasy Violence, Boy Love, Sexual Themes (most likely), most of the stuff you find in a T game/movie, AU (to a certain degree), Crossover, MAJOR SPOILERS
Summary: It was a month after the three-week long Reaper's Game ended that Shibuya's Keyhole was infected with the darkness. With no other option, Sanae spirited away the four teenagers Joshua had brought back to life to fight in bringing back their world. After a year had past since that day, they finally came face-to-face with Sora, the Keyblade Master they had been waiting for to help them achieve their goal. Whatever lied in wait for them in the shadows of the worlds they travelled to, they knew that they couldn't go back. Shibuya and Joshua needed them to continue, no matter the cost, if they would have any hope of getting their home back.

It had to have been a month after his gamble with Megumi Kitaniji that the nightmare became reality. At first, everything was normal for Shibuya, before it started spiraling out of anyone's control. The darkness had been like a virus, incubating for a week before starting to devour whatever light it came across. In hindsight, the chest pain Joshua had been experiencing was the final indication that they were going straight to hell. Certain people likely would've been better prepared had he taken measures to delay the inevitable.

Now's not the time for this, Yoshiya. The Composer scolded, hand clenching where his heart was, panting softly as he tried to stay standing before the huge, glowing keyhole in front of him. Darkness dampened the light, making it look like a festering wound, and in a way it was. A wound of Shibuya's heart, and Joshua's own because of his intimate connection to the city.

Abruptly, there was a presence at his side. He tensed for a moment before relaxing, recognizing the person beside him. It was comforting, yet also bode badly for the state of the city. Neither spoke as they grimly watched the flickering fight between the light of the heart and the darkness of the creatures without one. Joshua heard the man sigh, and couldn't help smirking at it.

"Well said," the silver-haired 'teen' told him. He saw Sanae shrug out of his peripheral vision.

"Gotta wonder how and when it happened," he replied. Joshua snorted derisively.

"Too bad we don't have the time for that, now."

"How long?" There was no need for clarification on what he meant by the inquiry. Joshua was silent, save for his soft panting. The pain was getting worse by the minute, his legs minutely shaking from the strain. He doubted that they even had ten minutes at the rate the darkness was spreading.

"Very shortly." He gave Sanae a sideways glance, seeing a fraction of the same strain he was under on the man's face. At least his friend would survive the ordeal. Joshua had no chance when Shibuya was gone, that was fact. The panic he felt from the people almost drove him to ask Sanae for a swift death, but that would mean absolutely no hope for the world he had decided to spare from Erasure. Joshua wasn't one to go back on his word.

The Angel was about to say something, but his words were lost to a sudden roaring in Joshua's ears, the pain in his chest intensifying, causing him to drop to his knees and clench his teeth. He felt hands grip his shoulders, yet it felt like it was happening to someone else. He fought to keep his composure, meeting Sanae's concerned expression with a significant look.

"We don't have any time left, so I want you to get those four kids out of here. You know who I'm talking about," Joshua told him, struggling to keep his voice steady, "It'd be a shame for them to die so soon after getting life back, don't you think?"

His friend stared at him in silence, then nodded solemnly as he stood up. That was the best part about the bond they shared; there was no need for them to truly speak what they really wanted to say. Sanae turned away from the keyhole, but paused.

"If nothin', else, at least remember what Shibuya meant to ya, J," he said casually. The Composer giggled and smirked, for that moment looking like his old self from before the darkness was set upon the heart of the city.

"I hope to remember more than that, Sanae. Just don't keep me waiting, hm?" The cafe barista smiled easily.

"Whatever ya say, boss," Sanae replied with a wave before vanishing in a flash of white light, leaving the Composer completely alone.

Joshua sighed, sitting down and crossing his legs. The smirk was still on his face, gaze remaining fixated on the dying heart of his world. After a moment, he could no longer feel the presence of Sanae and the four teens his hopes rested on. Orchid eyes closed, body relaxing as he ceased fighting against the darkness. For now, those four would be safe until his psuedo-brother told them what they needed to know.

Hopefully, that silly Keyblade wielder would help them out.

canon: twewy, ~fanfic, canon: kingdom hearts

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