Jul 17, 2006 15:32
As I was sitting on the porch this morning drinking my coffee and reading the paper, I couldn't help notice how the world gets crazier day by day. Everybody's life is on high speed. Parents are trying to send their children away to camps, organizations, etc. because they don't want to be bothered with their lives. But they are over protected with their kids. Make sure my kid uses moisturizer after they are in the pool, and they can only drink bottled water. Only Dasani water. Everyone has an electronic organizer for their electronic organizer. When children are born, they are implanted with a bluetooth ear piece, so they are all set when you get them their first cell phone. It's almost like getting breast implants, lets throw in free bluetooth. Our vehicles are getting bigger too. Why own a Hummer when you can't drive over the curbside, or do a lawn job on someone without getting caught. But we need to allow those faked tan, fake titty, extension wearing soccer moms with big SUV's to carry all 12 of their children from various father's to soccer practice to hit on the coach and ask for a date, and go through the mating process. What are we teaching children when mom and dad get married 4 or 5 times? I guess when people say their vows, that they are just lying. They are only acting. We are suppose to teach children not to lie or cheat. But mom and dad become a hypocrate. I think I may get my child a stripper when he turns 12. Let's celebrate! The only jobs that are important is to become a rapper, lawyer, doctor, and used car salesman. Oh don't forget about becoming a stripper. That's important too! Don't worry about giving blood. Blood is being replaced with Starbucks coffee and Red Bull flowing through the veins. And when you go to the doctor, you will get medication for taking medication, because that is the only way to function in life. A pill for you to get through your long hard working day. It will control your feelings and emotions. Then you will come home and have sex with your spouse, but you will take a pill for that to help you get through that too! The world will become part animal, part machine.