uh, networking with opera conductor directors...

Jul 25, 2012 17:50

lost the first two thirds...basically we talked a little about his process, I liked that he said his style is more to communicate through words and gesture the character and let the actors make choices, but with one performer it wasn't working so he "resorted to directing by example..." lol. His next show is the Gondoliers...guess what I'll be working on soon :)

williiam Remmers
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Thanks for your nice comment, too.
So you can see that your coming to the show made me see you as something of a kindred spirit. I hope you'll join us again, either on the stage or in the audience

I look forward to either or both as well!

what else is coming up for you

Er, I know I'm suppose to say tons of stuff! But, right now I'm taking the time to do more intense work with my coach, prepping roles and such. I'm sure I'll find something to latch onto with audition season coming back up. I'm once again debating getting a master's in music (that's a whole other discussion lol!)

what roles are you working on

Well, Micaela in Carmen, and I think Floyd's Susannah (I love the Trees on the Mountain aria). My coach wrote an english adaptation for Butterfly, and is teaching me that, although I've had some people disagree with my singing that role right now (I don't actually plan on performing that right now I think, so that's ok). We were also working on Musetta, I should probably bring that one back as well.

Awesome, those are great roles. Really love Susannah.
I've sung in Carmen and Boheme so many times

yeah, some strategy to that

that's fantastic. I'm heading to England until the 9th on Friday so I'll be out, but let's definitely chat more and talk about opera and whatever else that should be deemed conversation worthy.
My cell is 631-245-1655 and you can text me or call me anytime! In england even, I get free incoming.

haha. Yes, indeed, sounds fabulous. Safe travels to you!

Thanks again for supporting our outfit.

It was fun! Thank you for inspiring me with good art

That means at a lot, really.


This is my little dream project spurred by dissatisfaction with other opera companies
So again, thanks.
Yep, meeting folks for dinner so I'm out

I hear you, I hear you, keep it up. Lot of potential there

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