Feb 22, 2005 02:58
Stolen from Mick and Jen
Have you ever...
01. Fallen for your best friend?: Oh, only a few times.
02. Made out w/ JUST a friend?: yes indeedy
03. Been rejected?: on occasion.
04. Been in love?: gloriously
05. Been in lust?: even more gloriously
06. Used someone?: only if they were using me right back
07. Been used?: see number 6
08. Cheated on someone?: yes, and I will always regret it
09. Been cheated on?: yup
10. Been kissed?: indeed, and well
11. Done something you regret?: Has anyone not?
Who was the last person...
12. You touched? Melissa, I believe
13. You talked to? Also Melissa
14. You hugged? There's a pattern developing here.
15. You instant messaged? Clayton
16. You kissed? someone very special to me
17. You had sex with? name withheld, even though none of you know him
18. You yelled at? ummmmm, god, I have no clue, unless you count conversational emphatic yelling, in which case Melissa
19.You laughed with? Brian, probably, as he is the funny
21. Who broke your heart? Wow, Clayton probably? not sure if that counts or not
22.Colour your hair? quite
23. Have tattoos? nope
24. Piercings? a few in the ears
25.Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? Not so much, at least not in name, unless you count my friends who are girls and boys
27. Own a webcam? yeah, somewhere, it's useless
28.Ever get off the damn computer? rarely?
29. Sprechen sie deutsche? nein
30. Habla espanol? no
31. Quack? hell yeah
Have you / do you...
32. Stolen anything? a couple bucks when I was a kid I think, a few hearts
33. Smoke? not lately
34. Schizophrenic? I hope to God not
35. Obsessive? very much so
36. Compulsive? on occasion
37. Obsessive compulsive? somewhat
38. Panic? not that much, thankfully
39. Anxiety? constantly
40. Depressed? recovering
41. Suicidal? not ever to the extreme, but yeah, see numbers 39 and 40
42. Obsessed with hate? nah, I am all about the love
43.Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? ewwww, no
44. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? not in my actual dreams, no
45.If you could be anywhere, where would you want to be? Arizona, rocking the cuddle
46. Who would you be with? the coolest middle child ever to walk the planet
47.What would you be doing? reading comics, watching movies, laughing my ass off, the usual
48. What are you listening to? the silence of a sleeping roomie
49. Can you do anything freakish with your body? I can freak YOU all night long, if that counts. oh, and pop my big toe infinitely
50. Chicken or fish? chicken
51. Is ice cream the best thing in the world? oh so close, but not quite
A - Age: 20
B - Best Quality: I have no idea
C - Choice Of Meat: chicken
D- Dream Date: dinner in Paris, movie in hotel room, cuddling, sex, and talking until dawn
E - Exciting Adventure: Always wanted to climb a large mountain... or hike the Appalachian trail
F - Favorite Food: chocolate
G - Greatest Accomplishment: Acquiring some of the world's most awesome people as friends
H - Happiest Day of Your Life: wow, that's tough, a toss-up between the day I was adopted and any day spent with my loved ones, basically
I - Interests: books, food, art, travel, good music, apparently comic books, film, boys, clothes, sex, charity, other stuff?
J - Jimmy: Eat World
K - Kool-Aid: Man it's been forever since I drank Kool-Aid
L - Love: "Love is like Oxygen. Love is a many-splendored thing. Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need is love."
M- Most Valued Thing I Own: hmmm, if we can't count friends and family or good health, I'm gonna go with the ring my grandma gave me for my 16th birthday
N - Name: Sarah Ilene Rubenfeld
O - Outfit You Love: Pink Pants and Chimpin Ain't easy T-shirt
P - Pizza Toppings: cheese, green peppers, mushrooms, and onions
Q - Question Asked To You The Most: What's up? I would assume.
R- Royalties: I would love to get some, sure?
S - Sport To Watch: baseball, gymnastics, ice skating, ballroom dance
T - Television Show: West Wing!!!!!! and Alias
U - Ur Favorite Song: Points taken away for the use of "ur." Otherwise, that's tough, maybe Your Song by Elton John.
V- Vrooom Vroooom: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEErrrrrrr! Crash! Sqwwweeeeeeeeeeee!
W - Winter: Ready for it to be over.
X- X-rayed? My back, my wrist, my feet I think, my teeth
Y - Year Born: 1984, year of the Mac, baby!
Z - Zodiac Sign: Leo (I'm SUCH a Leo)