Dec 14, 2006 17:22
Some how reading about tennis/watching tennis/playing tennis/talking about tennis just makes me happy. I really don't spend that much on it any more, but at one time it was my life and anyone who has spoken to me during a Wimbledon or the US Open can tell you I go a little crazy. Since his apperance at Wimbeldon in 2005 I have sort of taken Andy Murray under my wing. I have an article I'd like to post stating how awesome he is, but I can't figure out how to post a LJ cut. Any way... I actually miss exercizing a lot in general. I barely even walk these days. Hell, sitting the wrong way kills my knees. One of my professors was hit by a car last year and her knee was ruined; she commented that she walks better than I do... she does too. Still, there is something soothing about having something to get into- like when y'all get excited about a videogame/manga/RPG I'll never get it and you'll probably never understand how I can spend hours upon end watching a yellow ball move from one side of a rectangle the other. I think tennis players are the most interesting of all the athletes. I mean get this; when asked how it felt to beat the guy that beat Andre Agassi at the US Open this year (which was Andre's last pro-match) he said "Shooting the guy who shot Bambi? I guess it feels better than shooting Bambi." Can you see a football player making that kind of comment? NO!!! Also, those guys are RIPPED. The tennis guys and the swimming guys are definately at the top of the pyramid, soccer guys are probably up there too. The tennis women are also hot- Anna Kornicova anyone? Did y'all know she and Enrique Iglasias (sp?) broke up? They were together for like 5 years. Crazy. In my Religious Fundementals of Judaism class we are learning about Jewish rites of passage (circumcision, bar/bat mitzvah, ect) and last class we did marriage. There are 3 parts of getting married in Judaism: a contract (it's like a prenup, so in ancient time in the husband died or divorced his wife she got her share before the kids and the debt collectors), giving a gift of value (the ring) for that purpose, and marital relations (aka sex). The thing is that technically you only need one of these three things to happen between 2 Jews to be considered married... so are all these freedom loving, sex loving Jews who hook up considered married according to Judaism? Weird!!! I leave for Eilat tomorrow- there is a school trip, almost everyone is going, we're staying the weekend. Which reminds me... Channuka starts tomorrow night. Yay!!! I got a draddle that has a pehey instead of a gimmel. Okay- the Jewish Channuka top, the draidle, has 4 sides. Each side has a different Jewish letter on it, each which stands for a word--- one of the letter is different in Israel than in the rest of the world. Rest of the world: Nun- Ness (like lockNESS monster) *miricle* Gimmel- Gadol *big/great*, Haiya (like when you do a pretend karatee chop) *was/happened*, Shin- Sham *there*- In Israel instead of a Shin there is a Pehey- Pow *here*. Out of Israel it means a great miricle happened there and in Israel a great miricle happened here. I just really wanted one that had a pehey. It's really simple, but I love it. So, my mum's birthday was on the 9th and when I asked what she bought/did for herself she said she bought herself a new washing machien- she is a strange woman- then again seeing as there are only 2 of us she does do laundry a lot... I think she even likes doing laundry.
happy holidays yahoos...