Time Flies!

Feb 15, 2009 16:43

Oh how it does! Maeve is going to be 2 in just under 2 weeks!!!! It's seems like I was just pregnant and then her 1st birthday party was the next week and now it's her 2nd birthday! We're also talking about getting pregnant in a few months (hopefully after I lose 15-20 lbs)! It's just insane how fast it goes....and I'm nervous about having another baby, as I'm sure most people are. I love Maeve SO MUCH it's hard to image loving another child the same. I've heard other people talk about that too and they always say that you do and I know I will, it's just hard to imagine until it happens I guess!

We are pretty darned strapped for cash lately, but that's to be expected. We've never had to stick to a budget because we had been living with my mom for 3 years (and not paying rent) so it's difficult for us to deal with the fact that there is not much left over after bills and food. Oh well, we'll get used to it soon.

I'm really looking forward to Maeve's birthday party in the "jungle" and Rainforest Cafe, it should be fun.

jungle, maeve, money

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