Title: The Villian, Part 1
Author: bdaezel
Characters: Jonah, Noah, Simon
Rating: PG 13
Summary: Simon has a plan.. and it's not good for the planet, for sure.. but what is it? Can Noah find him and stop him before the clock ticks down to 0?
Size: 3,741 characters, 810 words. (It grew over 300 words from first draft to final.. 30%.. crazyness.)
Thanks: Special thanks to Icelily01 for betaing this for me and putting up with my LJ questions :-) <3 <3
Ok, so this is my first stab at an OC story.. my own verse, my own characters... Let me know what you think!
The Villian, Part 1
“Hey! Watch it!”
He runs down the narrow sidewalk, barely dodging flake after flake, tripping on the garbage cans at the end of the alley, footsteps getting closer. He knocks one down, hoping it will slow his pursuers.
“STOP!” a man in an all black uniform calls out from behind him, out of breath. Smiling to himself, Jonah presses on, running as fast as he can.
As he nears the end of the alley he sees the lights from a pair of Vypers about to round the corner, so he doubles back and kicks in a door marked “Employees Only”. He pushes passed the line cooks and waiters, knocking racks of pots and pans noisily to the floor.
“Everyone down!” he hears a flake shout from beside him as he bursts through the waiter’s entrance into a diner, gun drawn. Jonah puts one round through the glass door and pushes through.
He runs out the front door onto Third Street, which is all but vacant this time of night. He quickly steps around to his left where the glass wall meets the brick. Just as he presses his port key to the wall, he feels the air around him flood with static and a faint blue shimmer surround him before it floods his senses. Jonah lets out a low moan as he collapses to the ground shaking; blind, deaf, nose full of snot, skin crawling.
Noah jumps off his Vyper, landing a few feet from the shimmering blue half-sphere ElectroNet he’s cast over Jonah. “Oh, come now, Jonah, it can’t be that bad.” Patiently he paces, waiting for Jonah to come back to his senses. Noah’s ENet control panel beeps, a positive ID. “You are Jonah, aren’t you? Jonah Peters, wanted for black market purchases, conspiracy, sedition, grand theft auto, four counts of grand theft aerial, wreckless flight, trespassing, and now, unlawful security system access. We’ve been tracking you for months, but your file didn’t hit my desk until you hacked into the nuclear plant’s computers two weeks ago. What did you do while you were in there, huh? Trying to bring the whole city’s power down?”
Writhing in pain, Jonah rolls onto his back, “All you flakes are the same, such small minds… AH!”
Noah looks up from the ENet panel on his forearm. “Oops, wrong button.”
Panting, Jonah’s vision changes from complete darkness to a sheet of white and then his ears start to ring. “You can’t stop him… no one can! You will all perish in flame!” Jonah spats between pain spasms.
“Who? Who can’t we stop?” Noah asks.
“You think I would just tell you his name? Not that it would do much harm. You’re just a flake, like everyone else, you just don’t know it yet.”
Simon takes a sip of his tea as he watches the scene through Jonah’s eyes. “Pity, it’s so hard to find good help these days. Isn’t it, Stryker?” Simon’s jet black Whippet pants quietly at his side. “Well, at least Jonah fulfilled his purpose. Not long now.”
Simon reaches down and flips the plastic guard up, revealing the red glowing button labeled “Jonah”. He returns his attention to the monitor, watching Jonah’s capture with careful interest.
All five officers have caught up by now and are standing in a semi circle around Jonah, the blue light eerie on their faces.
“Who do you work for?”
“What’s your big plan, Jonah?”
“You’ll never even make it to trial… scum.”
“Enough!” Noah says and pulls a small jar out of his pocket. “If you won’t tell us willingly, this Darka aughta loosen your tongue.” In the light, the Darka beetle looks terrifying, four inches long from the tip of its mandible to its tail, but Jonah starts laughing.
He laughs louder and louder, and then Noah can hear the high pitched whine building from inside of Jonah at the same moment he can see the blue light begin to pulse from Jonah’s eyes. “Shit, I never scanned him for traps!” Noah realizes. “Cover!”
“I go before you, but his will be done regardless…” Jonah smiles, his eyes rolled into the back of his head. Noah runs for the portal Jonah’s key had painted in the wall. “You will all perish in…” Jonah’s body explodes, shorting the ENet, shattering the diner’s windows and sending violent electrical pulses and blood in every direction. Noah’s feet disappear through the wall just before the explosion destroys the port key, closing it behind him.
Simon stands up from his chair, turning his back to the monitors that have gone black and the six other glowing names on his control panel. He slips on his long black coat, a wide brimmed hat and walks to the door. The clock above it reads six days, two hours, forty minutes and ten seconds. The seconds count down.