Challenge 01- Sign-Ups

Aug 28, 2011 17:20

Hello! I'm Samantha, and I'm the new mod here at db_lims. I'd like to get things up and running here again.
I don't think a lot will change as to how the community was before, but just in case it might be a good idea to go ahead and read through the profile info to refresh your memory :)

Since there haven't been any challenges here in quite sometime, I'd like to start over from Challenge 01.
So if you'd like to participate leave a comment with your username.  The theme ideas is optional, but it would help me out for future challenges/rounds :)
+You must be a member to participate.
+You cannot participate unless you've signed-up here.
+Sign-ups will remain open until the first round has been posted.
+Please use following form to comment:
Theme/Challenge ideas:

01. null
02. null
03. null
04. null
05. null
06. null
07. null
08. null
09. null
010. null

sign ups, challenge one

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