Jul 22, 2008 00:36
So, i've finally seen the finale of Avatar, and i'm so damned happy i've seen it. This is a complete series here. Probably everybody's gonna be upset that its over but I for one am happy. I'm happy that its not going to be drawn out and sucked dry of all that could have been great, if they just turned it into every other American show that just goes on and never stops.
I really feel that they've left things off in just the right way, there's a few things that could be touched upon in suplimentary material, but for the most part, the series is complete. There's no more story to really tell, and I'm really pleased with the end product. I don't feel let down at all and I'm pleased with all they've given us up till the end. Plus the last battles and the set up for the final battles where very well done. Not as fan servicey, more like a novel, a real story book tale. Its all been about the characters and this really let it be that.
This is now one of my favorite series ever as far as cartoons are concerned, hell just in general. The Finale really felt like a Finale. Bravo Michael Dante Dimartino and Brian Konietsko, you guys rock.