Prayers please!!!

Apr 21, 2004 17:22

I wrtote an update here yesterday & lost it somehow when I went to do spellcheck, then didn't feel like rewriting the whole thing right away.
Jordan left this morning with her class for their outreach to Mexico... they're driving down (13 of them) to Puerto Escondido, with a few stops along the way, of course. Will miss her terribly, but I know it will be a great experience for her.
Last week, my hubby phoned from work & said he had found a web special from Seattle to San Diego and thought I should go visit my sister. Now we are pretty broke right now, but he said I shouldn't pass up the opportunity, esp with my new great-nephew. My niece had a little boy, Adam, 12 days ago. 2 weeks before her due date, her Dr. noticed the baby hadn't gained any weight so they induced her a couple of days later & he was born 13 hrs later.... 5 lb 9 oz. but healthy. So I'm booked to go for a visit from May 1-May 11. I'll drive to Seattle (about 5-6 hr.) and fly from there. Sunday I come down with a sore throat, earaches, by last night it's a full-blown head cold.
Yesterday my sister sends an email that she's been staying with her daughter helping her out, Kelly found out she had a breast infection & got antibiotics. She had been having trouble getting Adam to breastfeed on one side. This morning after we dropped Jordan off, I'm home lying on the couch feeling miserable, when I get a call from my Dad. It turns out Adam has bacterial meningitis and was rushed to San Diego Childrens hospital yesterday, very sick. Immediately, my little flu bug was completely unimportant! My sister called a little while ago & Adam is in intensive care so they can keep a really close watch on him for the next 24-48 hrs which is the crucial time period. They haven't yet identified which bacteria caused the meningitis (could be one of several), it's important they do so they know which antibiotics to treat him with.
To all my friends here, I just ask that you say a few words of prayer for Adam and the family. If your beliefs don't run that way, just send some positive energy & thoughts his way.
Thanks vey much.
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