Mar 27, 2009 11:53

I WAS TAGGED BY iluvbsbkevin  !!! 8D

Firstly: People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question. Secondly: Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

01. Make a list of 5 things you would like to do today, but can't:
1. Learn to wrote the fic becaus i'm VERY bad for english.
2. Change the litter box for my cat. BERK!
3. Play with one of my cousins called Lucas, he make me so hurt! LOL
4. Doing the dishes when i have injuries to fingers. >.<'
5. It is all...

02. Would you ever get a tattoo?

Yeah, a dragon tribal at the bottom of my right leg and i don't know when... x3

03. Is there anything you would never ever attempt to eat??

Kiwi (but I'm allergic)

04. What's your occupation?


05. Do you watch TV a lot?

I watch a little television because I play a lot of video games Xbox 360 with my new TV. lol

06. What was your first celebrity crush?

hum... Hugh Jackman... (but i still love Jack Coleman! xD)

07. What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?

H E R O E S !!!

08. What are you listening to right now?

Sorry, i'm deaf a little but i can listen the music with my headphones (   
not too much for the volumes LOL) and i love the music from Eric Clapton. ^^

09. What was the last text message you received?

"I LUV U, thx for help me! >3<" by my new friend from UK on Xbox Live when i played the game "Rainbow Six Vegas 2" Co-op with him.

10. What websites do you always visit when you go online that aren't on your flist?

Google, Friends Page on LJ,, Yaoi!Gallery (You can shut up!... Thanks! xD) and DeviantArt.

11. What was the last thing you bought?


12. Dark, milk, or white chocolate? Choose one.

Milk Chocolate.

13. Does the weather affect your clothing mood?

Excuse-me, i don't understand your question... DAMNED YOU, GOOGLE TRANSLATION!

14. What is your zodiac sign?


15. Name a song that makes you think about a ship/character that you like lately.

Erk! I don't know... i want a song for Noah/Sylar! x3

16. Weird dream

I meet Jack Coleman and Zachary Quinto on MSN (i know that's impossible), I saw him in his webcam, they was too sexy and I immediately invited dref22  then she writing his "JACK, MARRIED ME!" all time! It makes me laugh... and weird! xD

17. Do you have any siblings?

I have not Brothers & Sisters but i have 4 cousins: Alex, François, Axelle and Lucas.

18. What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?

I do not talk to strangers! LOL (i'm just kidding.)

19. What are your plans for next weekend?

Hum... i'll continue to play "Rainbow six Vegas 2" and draw more the HRG chibi, maybe! x3

20. Say something to the person who tagged you:
iluvbsbkevin , i'm so glad that you tagged me, this meme is so interessing for me, your too! LOLz
I love you and your chibis! x3

arbiterin , bordosnoopy , dref22 , half_stack , ridley1013 , sylargrrrl and tju_tju_tju_tju . ^^

[fun] memes, [irl] about me

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